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Where To Pay Collections

Paying Won’t Take A Collections Account Off Your Credit Reports

NEVER PAY COLLECTIONS! (Remove Collections From Credit Report)

Many people believe paying off an account in collections will remove the negative mark from their . This isnt true if you pay an account in collections in full, it will show up on your credit report as paid, but it wont disappear. In fact, you should expect it to remain on your report for seven years.

This means that it could affect your credit score, the three-digit number used to judge your creditworthiness, for that length of time. The sharpest drop to your scores will happen when the account is first reported to the credit bureaus as in collections and then the damage lessens over time.

How Does Debt Collection Work

Debt collection typically refers to third-party companies that buy delinquent debt and attempt to collect. They get paid when they recover some or all of the debt. They use letters and phone calls to try to collect the debt and report it to credit bureaus. They may also negotiate settlements. They must follow the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

Set Up A Payment Plan

If you cant pay a large lump sum, you can ask the collection agency to create a payment plan that you can afford. Youll need to negotiate how many payments will be required before the debt is considered settled.

Negotiating medical debt

If you have medical debt, you may be able to negotiate interest-free payments with the provider directly. First, contact the billing office and ask if there are any programs you qualify for that can eliminate or reduce the balance.

Next, ask about your repayment options. If youre not getting anywhere, ask to speak to a manager.

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Determine Whether The Debt Is Yours

In some cases, a debt collector might still reach out to you even if your debt should have cleared, perhaps because it was discharged in bankruptcy. Other times, the debt collector may mistake you for another individual.

Make sure the debt collector sent you a debt validation letter. The FDCPA requires collection agencies to send this document to prove the debt is yours, and it needs to be sent within five days of first contacting you. When you receive your letter, look for the following:

  • The name of the current creditor
  • The amount you owe
  • Your right to request more information about the debt
  • Your right to dispute it within 30 days of receiving the letter
  • Your right to receive the name and address of the original creditor

Confirm your debt before making any payments on it. Making partial payments implies you are taking responsibility for it, and this means you might be forced to pay the balance even if its not yours. If you want to dispute your debt or need more information, send a verification letter to the collection agency. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has sample letters that may help depending on your needs.

Tip: Some collectors may try to add additional fees or interest on top of what you actually owe. However, this is only permissible in certain states or if it was part of the agreement with your creditor. Verify the correct amount of the unpaid before repaying it.

What Is The Procedure For Collections

How to Improve the Payment Collection Process at Point of Care

The collections staff may deal with an enormous number of overdue invoices. If so, the collection manager needs a procedure for dealing with customers in a standardized manner to resolve payment issues. The detailed collection procedure is listed below. The process flow noted here only generally represents the stages of interaction with a customer. These steps might be shuffled, supplemented, or eliminated, depending on the payment status of each invoice. The steps are noted below.

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Can I Negotiate With Debt Collectors

Reading time: 3 minutes

If you become significantly delinquent on a credit account, it’s possible the debt may wind up in collections. This means your original lender has sent your account to a collection agency, which has in turn assigned one or more collectors to contact you repeatedly in an effort to see the debt paid.

An account in collections can stay on your credit history for a long time, damaging your credit scores in the process. A debt in collections is one of the most damaging types of credit accounts that can appear on your reports.

Occasionally, when a debt goes to collections you may be able to negotiate with the collector to accept a smaller amount than what you originally owed. An agent may decide it’s worthwhile to accept partial payment now rather than go through a prolonged collection process. If you settle for a lesser amount, you and the collection agency can agree in writing that the debt will be accepted at a lower rate and be reported as “paid in full” or “paid as agreed.” The account will still stay on your credit history, but it may have less of a negative impact over time.

However, while some collections agencies will accept your debt at a lesser amount, this option is never guaranteed. Often, a collection agency will push to collect the full balance on what you owe and you will still be responsible to pay off your debt in full.

But Paying Can Help You

If paying is not going to heal your credit, whats the point? Paying can benefit you in other ways:

You’ll avoid legal action: If your debt hasnt yet passed the statute of limitations, the collector could sue you for the money you owe, perhaps leading to wage garnishment. Paying off your account in full will help you avoid going to court.

You’ll stop the debt collection musical chairs: Unbeknownst to many consumers, debt collectors constantly buy and sell accounts.

You’ll avoid additional interest and fees: Its complicated, but in most states collectors are allowed to keep charging you interest and fees after theyve purchased your debt. Paying quickly can keep this to a minimum.

You’ll look better to lenders: Once an account in collections is marked as paid on your credit report, you might have a better shot at getting another loan. According to Tracy Becker, president of North Shore Advisory, a credit education and restoration company in Tarrytown, New York: The majority of mortgage lenders do not want to approve a mortgage application when there is open bad debt on credit profiles.

You’ll be ready for the future: The latest FICO scoring model, known as FICO 9, weighs medical debts in collections less heavily than other types of debts and ignores paid accounts in collections entirely. By paying off your account, youre setting yourself up for a better credit score as more and more lenders upgrade to FICO 9.

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What Happens If You Dont Pay A Debt Collector

Debt collectors have one job, and its to get your money. And most of them can outlast your frustration, embarrassment or evasion.

But heres the thing. Just because youre behind on payments doesnt mean you deserve to be mistreated, harassed or abused in any kind of way. You have legal rights and protections.

You do have a responsibility to try to make good on your debts though. Besides, the sooner you get conversations going with collection agencies and make arrangements for payment, the sooner theyll back off. Its amazing how even $5 a month can keep the wolves from the door.

But if you continue to miss payments after youve been sent to collections, collection agencies are well within their rights to sue you. If that happens, youll have to appear in court, and the judge is almost guaranteed to side with the collection agency. Judges arent concerned with circumstances or details. For them, its cut and dry: If you owe the money, you gotta pay it. If you dont make your court-ordered payments, then the collection agency can pursue an arrest warrant.

Use Caution When It Comes To Debt Relief Services


If youre feeling overwhelmed by your financial situation, you might want to seek outside help from a debt relief service. While there are legitimate services that can help you, there are also plenty of debt elimination scams. Make sure to do your due diligence before working with a company so you dont end up high and dry.

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How To Pay Collections

When youre trying to conquer unpaid debts sent to collections, youll likely face some obstacles. Two of the most common are coming up with enough money to pay off the debt and negotiating a payment plan or settlement you can afford. Once youve accomplished these tasks, you may still be wondering how to pay collections to a debt collection agency. Find out how to pay collections below.

Who Can Send The Payment Collection Letter

As per the businesss normal course, the seller or the original creditor to the deal will send a payment collection letter to the debtor. However, the creditor can also avail services of a debt collection agency who will then send the documents on behalf of the creditor. A debt collection agency also has the right to purchase the default profiles from the original creditor. Doing so will allow the debt collection agency to become the owner of the debt, and they will further proceed to recover the amount via payment collection letters.

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What To Do If Debt In Collections Goes To Court

Here’s what not to do: Nothing. If you dont go to court, the judge will find you at fault. If that happens, anything can happen. You could see your wages garnished, a lien placed against your property and your bank account frozen.

You may want to contact a lawyer for advice, especially if you plan on going to court. You will probably find that if you pick up the phone and call the debt collector, you can set up a monthly payment plan or negotiate a settlement. If the debt truly is not yours, it’s best to contact an attorney and go from there.

How Can I Get Help Paying Off Debt In Collection

Improving Payment Collection in Your Business

While you can work with collection agencies on your own, it may be helpful to get assistance from a nonprofit credit counseling organization. A credit counselor can help you figure out how much you can afford to repay, and they may even negotiate a payment plan with the collection agency.

As a last resort, you may also consider a for-profit debt settlement company to help you work out a settlement arrangement with the collection agency.

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Should I Negotiate With Debt Collectors To Settle My Debts

If you have money available and not a lot of unsecured debts, settling them for a lump sum or repaying them through a payment plan might be a good way to dig yourself out of a financial hole.

Be aware that, in some cases, if your debt is canceled, forgiven, or discharged for less than you owe, the amount of the canceled debt is taxable. The IRS generally considers canceled debt of $600 or more as taxable, and settling debts for less than what’s owed can increase your tax liability depending on your tax bracket and the canceled amount. Consult a tax professional for more information.

Confirm The Debt Collection Agency

Many scam artists pose as debt collectors to steal hard-earned money. If a debt collector has contacted you, ask for contact information to verify the agency. Request the organizations name, street address, and phone number. You can use this information to confirm if the debt collector is from a reputable company.

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What Happens When A Bill Goes To A Collection Agency

When you miss a payment on a bill, theres usually a grace period before its officially considered delinquent. Usually thats 30 days from the due date. If you pay before the 30 days are up, you might get by with little more than a late fee. But if you fail to pay for longer than 30 days, that missed payment will be reported to the credit bureaus, and your creditor will contact you regularly to get the owed money.

However, if that bill continues to go unpaid, the creditor will eventually consider it a loss. In order to recoup a bit of whats owed, theyll sell the debt off to a collections agency often for pennies on the dollar. After all, something is better than nothing.

The original company may notify you that they are selling your debt to a collections agency, though theres a chance they wont. Its often not until youre contacted by a debt collector that you find out.

Collection calls and letters often begin once the consumer is 60 to 90 days delinquent, possibly earlier depending upon the type of account and issuer, said Donald E. Petersen, a consumer protection lawyer in Florida. Some creditors will hold the debt often for years and may even file a collection lawsuit, he said, noting that collection lawsuits, although numerous, represent only a small portion of charged-off accounts.

Agencies That Buy Debt

Do NOT Pay Collections Agencies | Debt Collectors EXPOSED

When the original creditor determines that it is unlikely to collect, it will cut its losses by selling that debt to a debt buyer. Creditors package numerous accounts together with similar features and sell them as a group. Debt buyers can choose from packages that:

  • Are relatively new, with no other third-party collection activity
  • Very old accounts that other collectors have failed to collect on
  • Accounts that fall somewhere in between

Debt buyers often purchase these packages through a bidding process, paying on average 4 cents for every $1 of debt face value. In other words, a debt buyer might pay $40 to purchase a delinquent account that has a balance owed of $1,000. The older the debt, the less it costs since it is less likely to be collectible.

The type of debt also influences the price. For instance, mortgage debt is worth more, while utility debt is worth significantly less. Debt buyers keep everything they collect. Because they took the risk of purchasing the debt from the original creditor , this debt becomes their own, and any amounts collected are theirs.

Debt collectors get paid when they recover the delinquent debt. The more they recover, the more they earn. Old debt that is past the statute of limitations or is otherwise deemed uncollectable is bought for pennies on the dollar, potentially making collectors big profits.

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What Should I Do First When Negotiating Debts

If you’re sure you want to settle your debts rather than filing bankruptcy or some other option, understand the following key points before you start negotiations with the debt collector or collection agency.

The collection agency didn’t lend you the money or extend you credit initially. A debt collector doesn’t care if you owe $250 or $2,500. It just wants to maximize its return, which might be a percentage of what it collects or whatever it can collect over the pennies on the dollar it paid for the debt.

Time is money. Each time the collection agency contacts you, whether by letter, call, email, or text message, it spends money. The agency has a strong interest in getting you to pay as much as you can as fast as possible. It has less interest in collecting 100% over five years.

Review your debt priorities. It’s also important to review your debt priorities before you start negotiations. If you don’t have the cash to make a realistic lump-sum offer or to propose a payment plan, don’t even talk to the collectorâyou might make promises you can’t keep or give the agency more information than it already has. Or, worse, you could say something that turns an old time-barred debt into a brand-new debt.

Make Payments Over Time

If you say you can pay the debt in monthly installments, the agency has little incentive to compromise for less than the full amount. It still has to chase you for payment, and it knows from experience that many people stop paying after a month or two.

Before a collection agency will consider accepting monthly installments, it might have you fill out asset, income, and expense statements. Two points to keep in mind:

  • You could be giving the collection agency more information about you than it previously had, like where you currently work and bank, and that might not be to your advantage.
  • Don’t lie. You might be signing these forms under penalty of perjury. It’s unlikely that you would ever be prosecuted for lying on the forms, but if the creditor later sues over the debt, lies can only hurt your case.

If you reach an agreement with the collector, get a written confirmation. For help in crafting a payment plan offer, get Nolo’s eForm Offer to Pay Debt in Installments.

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Handle Your Collections Accounts Today

The sooner you get on the path of repaying your collections accounts, the sooner youll see improvements to your credit score. And learning how to pay a bill in collections is a big part of that process. Yes, not all lenders use the new FICO 9 model that ignores paid-off collections but the rollout is in progress. Soon, itll be the preferred scoring model.

Getting ahead of your collections accounts now means youre better prepared for when the FICO 9 model is fully adopted.

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