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HomeWill Business Bankruptcy Affect Me Personally

Will Business Bankruptcy Affect Me Personally

Can You Access Financing After Filing For Business Bankruptcy

What is the Difference Between a Personal Bankruptcy and a Business Bankruptcy?

Traditional institutions like banks do not forgive previous bankruptcies, even if youve launched a completely new business. They usually wont approve financing until at least three to five years have passed since you repaid the debts.

Some alternative business financing companies, on the other hand, may be willing to work with you just one year after a bankruptcy discharge. Your chances of approval will likely be much higher if you can provide collateral.

In summary, you should contact institutions about their bankruptcy policy before applying for financing.

You can also build personal and business credit by obtaining business credit cards and keeping your credit utilization rate down. Yes, its entirely feasible to get business credit cards with a business bankruptcy on your record.

At first, obtaining financing after filing for bankruptcy may seem nearly impossible. But believe it or not, a myriad of previously bankrupt entrepreneurs have managed to secure the means to start new businesses or reignite their current companies.

So, while bankruptcy is undoubtedly a significant obstacle to obtaining financing, this obstacle will gradually shrink as you continue to look for options and stay disciplined with your credit.

Limited Partners Corporations And Llc

In general, limited liability companies and corporations have more protection than sole proprietors and general partnerships. These businesses may file for business bankruptcy, which as weve discussed, will not affect your personal credit score in most cases. You are not personally responsible for the debts owed if you do business under an LLC or corporation.

However, it is important to consider any personal guarantees you may have signed in the past with creditors. When seeking to obtain credit for your business, you may have agreed to be personally responsible for some business debt. If your business files for bankruptcy and debts made under this personal guaranty are paid in full, it should not affect your credit score. On the other hand, if the debt is not paid off completely , you are now responsible for the sum you guaranteed. Any unpaid obligations in this scenario will appear on your credit reports and affect your personal credit score.

Be sure to check with credit card companies by contacting their customer service team. Look up any accounts under your social security number. If there are accounts listed under your personal social security number, you are most likely liable for debts. You should also review credit card agreements. In this case, its better to know as soon as possible what you are personally responsible for so you can prepare to take care of the debt and protect your credit.

Navs Final Word: Business Bankruptcy

Certainly youll want to explore all your debt relief options if you are considering bankruptcy. You may be able to settle debts through negotiation, for example. But one of the advantages of bankruptcy is that, once you file, the automatic stay will prevent creditors from collecting on debts while the business reorganizes .

If it turns out filing for bankruptcy whether thats Chapter 11 bankruptcy or another optionis truly your best path to solvency as a business owner, consult a a bankruptcy lawyer. Bankruptcy code can be complicated and you want to minimize your trips to bankruptcy court. Working with a professional will expedite the process and ensure you choose the best type of bankruptcy for your situation.

*Disclaimer: The content on this page is for educational purposes only. The author is not an attorney or tax professional. Before proceeding with a bankruptcy, find a business bankruptcy attorney to assist you with the process.

This article was originally written on March 5, 2018 and updated on January 26, 2021.

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No Matter What Type Of Bankruptcy Is Being Filed It Will Leave A Mark On Your Credit Score

If Chapter 7 is being filed, this will show on your credit report for the following 10 years. If Chapter 11 is filed, it will show on the report for the following 7 years.

Shareholders are also affected if the company they are involved in declares itself bankrupt. They will typically lose money, even if the business survives. The company’s assets will partially or completely be sold, so its value is altered and so are the shareholders’ benefits regarding that company.

A previous bankruptcy also affects the owner’s ability to open a new business in the future. To create a new company, you have to request a business license from your state’s business license office. Here, you will be asked if you have ever filed for bankruptcy and, if the answer is positive, you might be required to provide a detailed description of why you did it. The fact that you filed for bankruptcy will show on your credit report which can be verified by the license office, so there is no way of concealing this fact.

Bankruptcy has a major impact on the future of businesses and it’s important to remember that it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of life for your company. The three possible outcomes of bankruptcy are liquidation, reorganization and repayment.

Bankruptcy For A Corporation Or Limited Company

Business Bankruptcy Lawyer Advice: What About Personal Credit?

If your business is incorporated then by law it is considered its own legal entity. Many people think that by setting up a limited or incorporated business they are fully separating themselves from their business assets and debts, but that is not always the case.

Even if your business is structured as a corporation or limited company there is still a personal liability created for certain debts, such as money owing to employees for wages, and to Revenue Canada for GST debt or payroll source deductions.

Filing a bankruptcy for your corporation does not end the business existence companies are not automatically dissolved because of a bankruptcy filing. However, unless the bankrupt corporation is able to later repay all the debts it owed at the time of the bankruptcy filing, it will ultimately cease to operate.

A Licensed Insolvency Trustee will help you determine which debts would be considered your corporate and personal liabilities and whether a corporate or personal bankruptcy, proposal, or other solution would be most beneficial. For many owners, it may not be necessary to file a business bankruptcy.

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Nerships And Multimember Llcs

If your business is a partnership or multimember LLC , your share of the business will be part of your bankruptcy estate. Unless you are a majority owner, however, most states prohibit the trustee from interfering with the partnership or LLC or taking its assets.

Here’s how it works. A creditor or bankruptcy trustee can obtain a “charging order” against the debtor-owner’s interest in the business. Essentially, a charging order acts as a lien against the business interest, allowing the creditor or trustee to receive the profits that would otherwise be paid to the owner of the interest. However, a charging order won’t do a creditor or trustee much good if a partnership or LLC doesn’t regularly distribute profits to its members. The trustee takes over only the economic right to receive income from the partnership or LLC typically, a person assigned economic rights is not allowed to manage or vote in the partnership or LLC nor to assume other membership rights granted to full owners under the partnership or LLC operating agreement. The trustee can assign or sell the economic rights in your ownership interest to someone else, but generally cannot transfer or sell your share of the partnership or LLC.

Although The Steps For Filing For Bankruptcy Will Depend On Whether You File For Chapter 11 Chapter 7 Or Chapter 13 In General You Can Expect:

  • Your attorney will file a bankruptcy petition with the court. This will trigger an automatic stay, which will protect your business from creditor action while you work through the bankruptcy process.
  • Your attorney will work with you to file the required schedules outlining your business assets, liabilities, etc.
  • In Chapter 11 cases, you will turn in a business reorganization plan. In Chapter 13 cases, you will file a personal repayment plan.
  • What happens next will depend on what type of bankruptcy you filed. In Chapter 7 cases, a trustee will begin liquidating your assets. In Chapter 11 and 13 cases, your reorganization or repayment plan will be reviewed by creditors and the court.
  • If you are reorganizing under Chapter 11 or Chapter 13, your plan may be confirmed and your debt discharged by the court. Your business can emerge on stable financial footing.
  • If a Corporation or LLC is liquidating under Chapter 7, a trustee will be appointed to liquidate assets and distribute funds. If there is personal liability for business debt then a personal bankruptcy filing may be an option to consider as well.

If your business is in trouble and youre trying to figure out the best course of action, contact our law firm today. Our seasoned legal team will review your case for free to help you weigh your options.

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Is A Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Right For Me

You probably remember some giant corporations that were forced to declare bankruptcy, including United Airlines, the Texas Rangers, Marvel, Trump Entertainment Resorts and the Chicago Cubs. And each year, more than 22,000 American companies declare bankruptcy and about one in four file for Chapter 11.

“Many small business owners can’t afford to stay open, and it’s very hard,” says Cathy Moran, a bankruptcy attorney in Mountain View, Calif. But with a solid reorganization plan approved by your creditors, Chapter 11 may be the light at the end of the tunnel. Moran says fear, stubbornness and pride are the three emotions that most commonly interfere with a decision to file for bankruptcy. “Staying in debt means living with stress or dying of stress,” she says. “Bankruptcy is not a moral failing it’s a legal solution to an economic problem.”

Here are the pros and cons that you should weigh when making the decision whether to file a court petition for these legal protections:


  • Your business can continue operating while paying off debts.
  • You can pay back at least part of your unsecured debts.
  • You have the freedom to restructure secured debts to make lower payments and spread the debts over a longer period of time.
  • Bankruptcy’s automatic stay gives relief from harassing creditors contacting you at home or at your business.
  • You have the benefit of “automatic stay,” which stops foreclosures and debt collection until the case is resolved.


Talk To A Bankruptcy Lawyer

Bankruptcy May Be Your Best Option for a Failing Business Venture

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    When You Share Llc Ownership

    If you are one of multiple LLC members, your share of the company becomes part of your bankruptcy estate, but the trustee likely will not interfere with the business unless you are the majority owner. Although you have both an economic and a management interest in the LLC, only the economic interest becomes part of the estate. If the trustee decides to sell your interest, the purchaser could not participate in company management. The trustee could also ask the court to issue a charging order against the LLC, which entitles them to collect your share of distributions to pay down your debts.

    Check the LLC’s operating agreement before you file for bankruptcy. It may contain provisions addressing this situation. For example, you may be required you to sell your interest back to the company or the other members beforehand or to grant the company a right of first refusal before selling your interest.

    It can be challenging to know whether bankruptcy is the right move for you. Before you make the decision, consider consulting an attorney that can help you determine the best course of action and guide you through the process.

    This portion of the site is for informational purposes only. The content is not legal advice. The statements and opinions are the expression of author, not LegalZoom, and have not been evaluated by LegalZoom for accuracy, completeness, or changes in the law.

    Ready to start your LLC?

    Are You Personally Liable For Your Business Debts

    If you run a sole proprietorship, your business is not a legal entityin fact, you and your business are the same entity. Thus, you are liable for your business debts. This means that creditors may come after your personal assets if your business is unable to make payments on debts owed.

    Owners of limited liability companies and S-corps may be liable for some debts for example, if you are an owner of a limited liability company or corporation but you personally guaranteed a specific business debt like a loan, youd be liable. In most bankruptcy cases, including Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases, the LLC and S-corp business entity owners are personally off the hook for the debts of their business for which there is no personal guarantee.

    In addition its not uncommon to pledge personal assets like home equity in conjunction with a business loan. Filing for bankruptcy may allow you to protect that home equity or other assets from creditors.

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    Extra Costs For Business Bankruptcies

    Court fees in Chapter 7 Business Bankruptcy are the same as for Chapter 7 personal Bankruptcy. The trustee is likely to get a bigger fee, because the trustee is paid on commission: more of your business property and assets the trustee can liquidate and distribute to your creditors, more the trustee is pay. This money comes out of what creditors would otherwise get, however you dont have to pay it directly. The real added expense in Business Bankruptcy is Attorney Fees. You must hire a lawyer to file for Business Bankruptcy you ca do it yourself. In Business Bankruptcy, trustee will undoubtedly sell your assets for less than you could get for them, and the process wo be private. In contrast, if you sell your busine assets and settle busine debts yourself, there may be little reason to file for Business Bankruptcy. As long as you are personally liable for any remaining debtsor you file personal Chapter 7 Bankruptcy to wipe out that liabilityyou, are off the legal hook, your business is close, and debts cant be collect.

    * Please keep in mind that all text is machine-generated, we do not bear any responsibility, and you should always get advice from professionals before taking any actions.

    * Please keep in mind that all text is machine-generated, we do not bear any responsibility, and you should always get advice from professionals before taking any actions

    How Does Business Bankruptcy Affect Me As A Director

    Business Bankruptcy Affects Personal Credit?
    • Will I lose my house?
    • Will I be personally liable?
    • Can I be a director of a company after liquidation?
    • What impact will it have on me getting a future job?
    • What will happen to my credit rating?

    These are all questions we get asked on many occassions. However, dont panic. As long as you act with reasonable care, skill and diligence and run the company in a fair, responsible and non-fraudulent manner then there should be nothing to fear.

    Your personal credit rating will not be affected in the case of a company insolvency. All that would happen is that if you raise credit for another company of which you are a director of, this situation will be flagged to encourage caution. Alternatively, if you are a sole trader, then you are seen as the same legal entity as the business, so if the business goes bankrupt, so do you. This will affect your credit rating.

    Personal possessions: Only if you are a sole trader or have given personal guarantees are your possessions at risk. If you owe creditors as a sole trader whether they are suppliers or HMRC the debts are yours as you are the business. Creditors can make claims under a bankruptcy petition on your possessions including your house.

    Top Tip

    So, all in all, if you are concerned about business insolvency or bankruptcy, get in touch with us today and allow us to help you out. Our experienced and licensed insolvency practitioners would be delighted to help and assist you in your options.

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    Chapter 11 Bankruptcy: How It Works

    A Chapter 11 bankruptcy doesn’t mean your business is closing its doors. Instead, a Chapter 11 lets you restructure your finances so that creditors and owners can get the maximum returns. In other words, you stay in control of your assets, work with the courts to come up with a plan to repay your debts and make a strong comeback.

    “For legal advice specific to your situation, see a bankruptcy lawyer,” Moran says. “It’s a complicated process and I wouldn’t try to go it alone.” Even the simplest Chapter 11 reorganization, she says, is roughly 10 times the cost of a Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy.

    Attorneys can also advise you how to run your business without getting into debt. “Chapter 11 is often a knee-jerk reaction when things fall apart,” she says. “The usual problem is there is no real plan, as in, what would you differently than you did before if you could reorganize?”


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