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HomeMust ReadCan You File Bankruptcy After Wage Garnishment

Can You File Bankruptcy After Wage Garnishment

Getting Your Money Back

Answered: Can Wage Garnishments Be Stopped Immediately After Filing For Bankruptcy | CA

Reputable creditors will immediately stop the garnishment procedure when they’re notified of your bankruptcy, although one of your paychecks may get caught in the middle the one you receive the same week you file. What happens to this money depends on individual state law.

In some states, your creditor can keep this money in others, your creditor must forward it to your bankruptcy trustee so the trustee can apportion it among all your creditors. In some jurisdictions, the law might even require the creditor to return the money to you. Unfortunately, garnishments made before you filed for bankruptcy are gone for good your creditor gets to keep that money.

Multiple Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filings

If the debtor has filed bankruptcy in the previous year, the automatic stay lasts only 30 days. A debtor can obtain an extension if they show the Court that they are not using the bankruptcy system in bad faith.

If the debtor filed two or more cases in the previous year, there will be no automatic stay. In order to get the automatic stay, you need to go before the Bankruptcy Judge to show why you should be entitled to the Automatic Stay. If the Judge is satisfied, he issues an Order imposing the automatic stay.

My Paycheck Was Garnished Can I Get It Back

The short answer is yes, you can probably get your money back.

If your paycheck was garnished, that is creditors took money from your paycheck to pay off your debts, youll want to know if theres any chance that you can get that money back, as obviously you need it to pay other expenses.

You should speak to a Minnesota bankruptcy lawyer right away to see if you can get any of your money back.

In many circumstances, filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you get back money that was garnished from your paycheck.

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Bankruptcy Stops Wage Garnishment

The minute a bankruptcy cases filed, an injunction called the automatic stay is issued, which prohibits creditors from trying to collect on debts that were included in the bankruptcy.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has called the automatic stay one of the most important protections in bankruptcy law.

The automatic stay is self-executing, effective upon the filing of the bankruptcy case and requires that all collection calls, lawsuits and garnishments must stop immediately.

Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code provides:

An individual injured by any willful violation of a stay provided by this section shall recover actual damages, including costs and attorneys fees, and, in appropriate circumstances, may recover punitive damages.

Wage Garnishment And Bankruptcy

Wage Garnishment in Arizona

Wage garnishment occurs when a court issues an order that requires your employer to withhold a portion of your paycheck and send it directly to a person or entity to which you owe money. Generally, garnishment lasts until a particular debt is fully paid off. The debts for which a wage garnishment order may be entered include child support, student loans, taxes, and any debts that have been the subject of a collections lawsuit resulting in a judgment against you and a wage garnishment order. Except in the cases of child support, student loans, and taxes, a creditor cannot garnish your wages without first suing you, winning, and obtaining a court order.

If a creditor wins a lawsuit, and a money judgment is entered on its behalf, the creditor can garnish your wages by giving a copy of the court order to the local sheriff, who then sends it to your employer. Federal and state regulations govern how much of your paycheck may be garnished. Under federal law, the lower of up to 25% of your disposable earnings or the amount by which your weekly income exceeds 30 times the minimum wage may be garnished. However, in some states, a lower percentage limit is set for the amount of your wages that can be garnished. Different rules apply to child support, student loans, and taxes.

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How Can I Stop My Wages From Being Garnished

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In a Nutshell

Wage garnishment is a common problem for millions of Americans. It can be deflating to have your wages garnished. But you do have options to protect yourself.

Written byAttorney Andrea Wimmer.

Having your wages garnished can be overwhelming and scary. There are some things you can do to stop a wage garnishment. Letâs start with the basics first.

Will Filing For Bankruptcy Stop Wage Garnishments

Wage garnishment is when a creditor obtains an order requiring your employer withhold pay from your paychecks. Typically, a creditor can garnish about 25 percent of your take-home pay, depending on the type of debt that is owed. Wage garnishments can have a major effect on your personal finances. Thankfully, there are options to stop wage garnishment.

If you have recently had your wages garnished, you may be looking at ways to stop the creditor from garnishing your wages. Filing for bankruptcy is one way to stop wage garnishments. However, this depends both on the type of debt that is the reason for the garnishment as well as the type of bankruptcy filing.

To begin, when someone files for bankruptcy, the court imposes an automatic stay. The automatic stay prohibits all creditors from taking any action to collect a debt from the filer. This includes garnishing wages.

One major consideration to keep in mind is the difference in the two common types of bankruptcies for individuals. Under a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, all garnishments can be stopped, even those for non-dischargeable debts such as spousal support obligations and child support obligations. However, once the bankruptcy is complete, the debts will not be forgiven, and the filer will need to pay them back as part of the Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan.

If your wages are being garnished, and you want help going over your options, contact a bankruptcy lawyer for immediate assistance.

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Good News Yes There Is A Way To Stop A Wage Garnishment Without Bankruptcy

If you are facing financial difficulty and get behind on your credit card payments, the creditor may choose to seek legal measures to recover the debt.


  • A creditor cannot just decide to garnish your wages
  • A creditor cannot just decide to levy your bank account
  • A creditor cannot take you possession!

A creditor will usually follow the following steps to recover delinquent debts:

  • Calls, calls, calls! Click here to learn how to STOP THE CALLS
  • Nasty letters with threats of ruining your credit, possible legal action, etc.
  • And then, after about 4-6 months, if they are unsuccessful, they may decide to file a complaint for the debt you owe.

After they file a complaint in your local county courthouse, you will receive a SUMMONS.


The summons will state that you have 20 or 30 days to respond with an “ANSWER”.

An “answer” is what you would present if you feel that you do not owe the debt.

Since you owe the debt , the fact is that when you signed up for the card, you agreed to all of the fees.

Anyway, so after about a month or so after receiving the SUMMONS, if an agreement cannot be reached with the creditor, they may apply for a DEFAULT JUDGMENT.

Once the Default Judgment is awarded to the creditor , then they can apply for a WRIT OF GARNISHMENT.

Each state varies as to how much can be garnished and what income is exempt from garnishment.

If you receive income from:

Click here to get a list of exempt wages in Oregon.

Garnished Funds Recovery In Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

How to Get Your Garnished Wages Back After Filing Chapter 13

There is also a difference in the likelihood of recovery between the filing of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the creditor must turn garnished funds directly over to the debtor when properly exempted and demanded. It is in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy that the debtor may truly stand in the shoes of the Chapter 7 Trustee, whose duty it is otherwise to liquidate the non-exempt assets of the Debtor.

In a Chapter 7, when an asset is fully exempted, it is removed from the jurisdiction of the Chapter 7 Trustee entirely.

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Does Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Stop Garnishment

By contrast to Chapter 7, a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy should put a hold on most garnishments, including those for:

  • Debts resulting from property settlements in a separation or divorce
  • Debts from tax obligations that are not dischargeable
  • Debts incurred from willful/malicious property injury

Be aware, however, that in Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you must fully pay your obligations during a three-to five-year plan. Thus, you are trading off wage garnishment for an actual good-faith payment of some portion of your debt. A garnishment will only stop while the Chapter 13 bankruptcy is active and youre making your planned payments.

How To Stop The Garnishment Quickly

After you file your bankruptcy case, it can take the court a week or more to send the official case notification to all your creditors. In the meantime, to make sure that your garnishment stops quickly, you or your attorney should inform both your employer and the garnishment creditor by providing them the bankruptcy case number, filing date, and court location.

Once the creditor knows of the bankruptcy, the garnishment must stopeven if the employer hasn’t received a court notification. Allowing the garnishment would violate the automatic stay.

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Can You File Bankruptcy After Wage Garnishment

If you file bankruptcy after a wage garnishment has begun, filing bankruptcy to stop wage garnishment should work, and you might even be able to get back some garnished wages. Its usually better to avoid a loss by filing for bankruptcy as fast as possible.

To get back some of your garnished wages, the garnishment will have had to have occurred during the ninety days before the bankruptcy filing date. It will need to exceed a particular amount , and youll need to be able to protect that amount with an exemption available under Texas laws.

Asserting A Claim Of Exemption For Wage Garnishments

How Do I Stop Wage Garnishment After Bankruptcy?

Two main exemptions could apply in Florida wage garnishment cases.

Under the head-of-household exemption, wages, compensation, and earnings for services or personal labor are exempt from garnishment. You are considered the head-of-household if you are legally or morally responsible for supporting a dependent such as a child, spouse, or parent. The exemption usually applies if you provide more than one-half of the support for one or more dependents.

The second exemption that might apply in your case is the weekly income exemption. If your disposable income is less 30 times the federal minimum wage each week, your income cannot be garnished. Your disposable income is the amount of your wages after your employer makes all deductions required by law. Therefore, if you earn minimum wage, you may be exempt from a wage garnishment.

However, for either exemption to apply, you need to assert the exemption by responding to the wage garnishment. If you fail to respond, the garnishment continues even though you may qualify for an allowable exemption.

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Garnishing Income Tax Refunds In Michigan

I hate to see our clients relying on a tax refund only to have it garnished. State agencies and individuals creditors can garnish your state tax refund in Michigan. The timing of a bankruptcy filing is extremely important when it comes to garnishments. You wont receive notice that the state is keeping your refund until after you file you income tax return.

A creditor is able to garnish your tax refund if it files a write for garnishment with the court. Youll receive a copy of the garnishee disclosure and can object within 14 days by filing an objection in the proper Michigan court. Other important issues to discuss with a Michigan bankruptcy lawyer are the order of payments and spouses who are also being garnished because you filed a joint tax return.

Wage Garnishment Prior To Filing For Bankruptcy

Under certain conditions, you may be able to file for bankruptcy and recoup previously-garnished wages. Typically, wages garnished within 90 days prior to your filing that amount to $600 or more may be returned to you under the condition that you have enough exemptions to cover them. However, if you are considering this course of action, it is critical to do the math on whether it makes the most financial sense when you take into account the additional attorney fees you may incur.

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What Is Wage Garnishment

Most creditors cannot garnish your wages without first suing you in court and getting a money judgment. There are a few exceptions, for example, for student loans, taxes, and child support. But in most cases, including credit card balances, the creditor must file a lawsuit and win.

Once the creditor has a money judgment, it can get an order to garnish your wages from the court. The sheriff or marshall forwards the order to your employer, who then holds back a portion of your wages each pay period and sends that amount to the creditor.

There are limits to how much the employer can garnish from your paycheck each month. And you might be able to protect even more using exemptions. You can learn more by reading about wage garnishment laws.

What Happens After The Bankruptcy Case Ends

Can I Get my Garnished Wages Back After I File Bankruptcy – Attorney Jonathan Ginsberg Explains

If your wages are being garnished to pay a debt thats dischargeable in Chapter 7 bankruptcy like a credit card balance, personal loan or medical bills the end of your case should also be the end of your take-home pay being taken by creditors. But to deal with an associated lien, your bankruptcy attorney may need to take additional action.

If your wage garnishment is due to back taxes, student loans or certain other types of debt, filing for Chapter 7 wont bring it to a permanent stop. Its a temporary solution, and once the case ends, youll need to be prepared for the garnishment to resume. Or, as an alternative, you could file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Debts that are nondischargeable in Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be included in a Chapter 13 repayment plan. Your bankruptcy attorney can make sure your monthly payments are affordable and as long as you adhere to the repayment plan, you wont have to worry about your wages being garnished.

If youre in need of debt relief, the bankruptcy attorneys at the Law Office of Davis & Jones, P.C., can help. To get advice on stopping a wage garnishment, contact our Salt Lake City, Utah, office and schedule a free Chapter 7 bankruptcy consultation today.

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Wage Garnishments And Bankruptcy

A CREDITOR HAS THE RIGHT TO GARNISH YOUR WAGES once they have obtained a judgment against you. The creditor can garnish 25% of your disposable wages each pay. If you do nothing, the 25% wage garnishment can continue until the debt is paid in full.

Once the creditor secures the garnishment, your options to stop the garnishment are extremely limited. The easiest method to stop the garnishment is to file for bankruptcy protection.

The date that your bankruptcy is filed all collection activity must stop including wage garnishments. The creditor is generally allowed to retain all wage garnishments obtained prior to the date that your bankruptcy was filed, but any funds garnished after your bankruptcy is filed, while under bankruptcy protection, must be immediately returned.

Stop Wage Garnishments And Stop Bank Account Garnishments With Bankruptcy

Filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition will immediately stop wage garnishment and bank garnishment. When you file your bankruptcy petition, the bankruptcy automatic stay protects your assets from being seized by creditors. Creditors are not permitted to take any further action to collect a debt, including garnishment, without bankruptcy court approval. Therefore, you can stop a creditor from taking money out of your paycheck by filing a bankruptcy petition.

Furthermore, if the debt is a general unsecured debt, which applies to most debt collection judgments, you can eliminate that debt entirely through a Chapter 7 case without paying any additional money to the creditor. In a Chapter 13 case, you may pay only pennies on the dollars to eliminate the debt.

Furthermore, if the wage garnishment is for a debt that is not dischargeable, such as past due child support or income taxes, you can still stop the wage garnishment and settle the debt through a Chapter 13 repayment plan. The bankruptcy plan allows you to spread out the debt over 60 months while also getting rid of your other debts in the process.

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Stop Wage Garnishment Today

Although bankruptcy filings immediately put an automatic stay in place and stop all collection efforts, you may still experience wage garnishment until you notify all of your creditors. To stop a wage garnishment immediately, notify your employers payroll department of the bankruptcy. You should also notify your local sheriffs office since they typically handle and serve wage garnishment orders.

Protect Bank Accounts From Garnishment

Berkowitz &  Myer Law

The money in your bank account or credit union account can be protected from garnishment. Bank account garnishments are only good one time on the day they are delivered. The creditor is not required to warn you in advance. So by the time you learn about it and come speak with one of our attorneys the damage is done.

Options do still exist and you need to act quickly because a creditor can send out as many bank garnishments as they want. Sometimes we are able to negotiate with a creditor to get back some of the garnished money and to establish a payment plan.

If they will not cooperate, then a bankruptcy filing will prevent future garnishments and in some cases allow us to recover the money already taken. Learn the options unique to your fact pattern by calling Michael D. OBrien and Associates today at 503-852-9047 or by using the link above to schedule a convenient appointment online.

When your bank or credit union does a financial account review, they are required to flag certain deposits which cannot be garnished by a creditor and are thus protected by law. If the only money in your bank account is traceable only to these sources, then you need not file a bankruptcy. The sources of money protected by law include: federal benefit payments , payments from a retirement plan or pension fund, unemployment benefits, public assistance benefits, and workers.

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