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Debt Sold To Collection Agency

Can A Collection Agency Report An Account As Past Due

Do NOT Pay Collections Agencies | Debt Collectors EXPOSED

When an account becomes seriously past due, the creditor may decide to turn the account over to an internal collection department or to sell the debt to a collection agency. Once an account is sold to a collection agency, the collection account can then be reported as a separate account on your credit report.

Paying Your Debt Once It Has Been Transferred To A Collection Agency

If the debt is yours and the amount is correct, paying the full amount you owe will resolve the issue.

When repaying your debt:

  • always get a receipt for any payment you make
  • only deal with the debt collector who contacted you to make payments
  • dont contact the creditor that lent you money, as this might create confusion

If its not possible for you to pay the full amount:

  • explain why to the debt collector
  • offer an alternate method of repayment, such as monthly payments
  • follow up in writing
  • include a first payment to show your commitment to paying back the debt, if possible

Should You Pay A Collection Agency

Debt collectors dont always have the necessary documentation to prove that you owe a debt and that theyre authorized to collect the debt. You can request this proof within the first 30 days of hearing from a debt collector. If theyre unable to provide proof of your debt, they can no longer collect from you, which includes listing the collection on your credit report.

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What To Do When A Debt Collector Calls

Make sure to ask for and write down the following information:

  • the name of the person calling
  • the company the debt collector works for
  • the name of the company the debt collector is collecting money for
  • the debt collectors telephone number

Ask for details on the debt, such as:

  • the amount you owe
  • who you owe it to
  • when you started owing it

Tell the debt collector that you’ll call back as soon as you verify the information. Look at your bills and bank statements to help you confirm if the debt is yours and the amount you owe is correct.

You can ask the collection agency to contact you only in writing. Ask your legal advisor to send a written request to your creditor by registered mail, including an address and phone number at which you may be contacted.

Try A Balance Transfer Card To Get Out Of Debt


If your debt has not gone to collections yet, one option to help you save tons on interest and pay it off more quickly is to use a balance transfer credit card that offers 0% interest for a certain length of time . The options below all require at least a good credit score, so they are usually only effective to use before your debt falls into delinquency.

The Citi Simplicity® Card lets you pay off debt over a long period, with a 0% intro APR for 21 months on balance transfers from date of first transfer . There is a $5 or 5% fee charged to make the balance transfer.

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What To Expect In 2021

A lot has changed for collection agencies since January. Heading into 2020, the industry was focused on new rules and regulations regarding debt collections, increased competition, and declining commission rates. But then the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, and everything changed.

Like other industries, collection agencies across the country were required to shut down in-person operations, shifting to remote workforces or halting operations altogether.

At the same time, states aiming to protect struggling consumers during the pandemic, limited the work collection agencies can do. Massachusetts, for example, banned debt collectors from making collection calls, filing new collection lawsuits, garnishing wages or earnings, or repossessing property and vehicles. In Illinois, debt collectors must work with consumers to create payment plans that meet clients financial situations or delay collection for 60 days.

The federal government is also taking steps to limit what debt collection agencies can do during these unprecedented times. A bill has been introduced in the U.S. Senate that, if passed, would only allow debt collectors to communicate with consumers in writing during a major disaster, such as the current coronavirus pandemic. The limitations on collection agencies would last for 120 days from when the president declares a major disaster.

What Is A Collections Agency

“A collection agency is a company that is hired by lenders, creditors, medical providers and federal and local governments to get you to pay or make arrangements to pay what you owe them,” Eweka tells Select.

The most common types of debt that go to collections are credit card balances and medical bills, but there are many other reasons why people go into debt. Rent, student loans and tax debts are other examples of what can get passed on to a collections agency.

According to, there are three phases to debt collection:

  • You are past-due, or delinquent, on your bills and your card issuer’s collections representative calls you to pay your overdue balance. After about six months , they will give up.
  • Next, your creditor passes it to a third-party agency that’s separate from your card issuer, but contracted through them. If the agency gets you to pay your debt back , it gets a commission.
  • If the agency is unsuccessful, your creditor sells your debt to a collections agency for pennies on the dollar. At this point, your creditor is cutting its losses and is no longer involved. The collections agency tries to get you to pay back as much of the original debt as possible so it can make a profit.
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    Know Your Rights Under Fdcpa

    Problems between consumers and debt collection agencies have been around for quite a while. In 1978, Congress passed the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act in an attempt to give consumers collection rights protection from abusive practices.

    Credit bureaus are required by to repair or delete any information that cannot be confirmed, is erroneous, or is incomplete within 30 days, says Edward Mellett, London-based founder of WikiJob. Otherwise, they have broken the law, and you have the right to sue and file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

    Make sure to build a case that is so compelling that the creditor will either have to agree with you or give real evidence to the contrary.

    The FDCPA outlines debt collection guidelines:

    How To Sell Debt To A Collection Agency And Get Your Money Back Guaranteed

    What happens if my debt goes to a collection agency?

    Is your business suffering due to negative cash flow and bad debt? If YES, here is how to sell debt to a collection agency and get your money back guaranteed.

    If you are being owed by people and you are finding it difficult to collect the money then you have the option of selling off the debt to a debt collection agency or enter an agreement with them on the sharing formula once they are able to help you collect the debt. The truth is that most people are not skilled in collecting debts from their debtors that is why it is important to sell off the debt to a debt collection agency ,so that you can at least recoup some of your money.

    What are the Reasons for Bad Debts?

    There are several reasons why it is difficult to collect your money from your debtor. It could be that they are your family members or close friends and you dont want the existing relationship between you and them to go sour. It could also be because you are engaged with other business or activities that make it impossible to spend time to go after your debtors and it also is that you have relocated or your debtors have relocated.

    The bottom line is that no matter the situation you find yourself as regards people owing you, you can still get a good chunk of the money of you sell the debt to a debt collection agency.

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    Why Is Early Intervention Beneficial To Small Businesses Collecting Debt

    The longer you wait to collect a debt, the harder it is to recover some or all of it. Most companies wait until the bill is 30 or 45 days past due before following up. That makes it more difficult to collect. After all, the person may have moved or changed their phone number by then. If you intervene five to seven days after the bill is past due, you have a better chance of getting the cash in your bank account.

    How Debt Collection Will Affect Your Credit

    Any debt starts out as a current account . As you fall behind on the payments, the debt is typically reported to the credit reporting bureaus as 30 days late, 60 days late, 90 days late, and the like. Each missed payment hurts your credit.

    The creditor will probably transfer or sell the debt to a debt collector or debt buyer three to six months after you default. When the debt is sold or transferred, a new collection account is added to your credit history. So, after your debt has been transferred or sold, it will probably show up two times in your credit history. If the debt is sold again, another account is added to your credit history. The previous accounts are no longer shown as active, but they’ll still appear as part of the account’s history.

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    What Debt Collectors Cant Do

    Debt collectors are regulated by the Texas Debt Collection Act. Among other things, the Act prohibits debt collectors from:

    Using abusive collection tactics, including:

    • threatening violence or other criminal acts
    • using profane or obscene language
    • falsely accusing the consumer of fraud or other crimes
    • threatening arrest of the consumer, or repossession or other seizure of property without proper court proceedings
    • using the telephone to harass debtors by calling anonymously or making repeated or continuous calls
    • making collect telephone calls without disclosing the true name of the caller before the charges are accepted

    Using fraudulent collection tactics, including:

    • using a false name or identification
    • misrepresenting the amount of the debt or its judicial status
    • sending documents to a debtor that falsely appear to be from a court or other official agency
    • failing to identify who holds the debt
    • misrepresenting the nature of the services rendered by the collection agency or the collector
    • falsely representing that the collector has information or something of value in order to discover information about the consumer
    • Trying to collect more than the amount originally agreed upon. .

    Violators of the Texas Debt Collection Act are subject to criminal and civil penalties. If you think you have been harassed or deceived, you can even seek injunctions and damages against debt collectors.

    Can A Collection Agency Reopen A Closed Account

    Collection Agency, Was My Debt Sold?

    If you asked the creditor to close the account or you paid off a loan, there’s nothing necessary for you to do. Contact your lender. If you don’t know why the account shows as closed, the creditor might be able to tell you. If your creditor closed it, you can ask if it’ll reopen the account, but it’s not required to.

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    What Debt Collectors Can Do

    There are certain things a debt collector can do, for example:

    • Contact you to askfor payment
    • Offer a payment plan or to settle a dispute
    • Tell you aboutthe consequences of not paying the debt
    • Take legal action in court to repossess goods that you owe money on

    A debt collector may commence bankruptcy proceedings against you to try and recover the debt. If you received documents that are titled bankruptcy notice or creditors petition and want to know what they mean, take a look at our bankruptcy resources.

    Can A Collection Agency Report Old Debt As New

    If a collection agency has been unable to recover money from you, it can resell the debt to another collection agency. However, the debt will retain the original date of the delinquency. Therefore, the collection agency cannot report old debt as new debt.

    Let’s say the original delinquency date occurred in 2018 but the debt was resold in 2019. In that scenario, the original delinquency date would remain in 2018, not 2019. Even though the debt was sold a year after the account first became delinquent, the amount of time that this negative item appears on your credit report is not extended.

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    What Will Happen If I Ignore The Debt Collectors

    Ignoring debt collectors is never the best idea when it comes to dealing with an unpaid account. Sure, you could get lucky and they could give up, but the chances of this are very slim.

    Pretending they dont exist isnt going to work, theyre still going to send letters and call you multiple times a day. The debt is also just going to get bigger and bigger as they add interest and charges onto the balance.

    This could also be the steppingstone to the collection agency beginning court action and a CCJ being registered on your credit file.

    What To Do If Student Loans Are Sold To A Collection Agency

    City of Portland sending low income and homeless people to private debt collection agency

    When student loans are in default for too long, they may be put in collections. If your student loan is sold to a collection agency, there can be financial consequences. Continue reading to learn more about what to do if your student loans are sold to a collection agency!

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    Why You Should Never Pay A Collection Agency Ever

    On the other hand, paying an outstanding loan to a debt collection agency can hurt your credit score. … Any action on your credit report can negatively impact your credit score – even paying back loans. If you have an outstanding loan that’s a year or two old, it’s better for your credit report to avoid paying it.

    What Rights Do Debt Collectors Have

    A debt collector does not have the right to enter your home. They may, however, send a notice through your door to make you aware that they are sending a field agent out to visit your property. This causes many people to panic, but its important to remember they have no power to force entry into your home, seize goods or demand money from you.

    If a debt collector agent does visit your home you do not have to let them in or even open the door to them. If you do, then you should also ask to see their ID every debt collector agent should carry this and if they cannot prove who they are you can refuse to speak to them.

    Its also very important that you do not make any payments in cash. Instead, you should call the debt collection agency and pay over the phone, or arrange for a monthly payment to be set up.

    If you believe that you are being harassed by a debt collection agency its very important you make a complaint. We have more information here about what is allowed and what to do if the debt collector has broken any rules.

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    What A Collection Agency Can Do

    Collection agencies collect unpaid debts or locate debtors for others.

    A collection agency or collector must:

    • be licensed in Alberta
    • use the name that is shown on their licence in all contacts and correspondence related to their collection activities
    • provide you with information about the original creditor and current creditor of the debt and any details of the debt
    • disclose in writing the fee the agency will charge for a non-sufficient funds cheque before the submission of the cheque
    • provide a receipt for all cash transactions and payments made in person or at your request
    • give you an account of the debt if you ask for it
    • the accounting must include details of the debt
    • agencies only have to give you this information once every 6 months
    • if the agency cannot provide the accounting within 30 days from the request, they must cease collection activity until they can

    A collector can:

    • contact you at home between 7 am and 10 pm Alberta time
    • contact your spouse, adult interdependent partner, relative, neighbour, friend or acquaintance to request your residential address, personal or employment telephone number
    • contact you at work to discuss your debt unless you ask them not to
    • if you dont want to be contacted at work, you must make other arrangements to discuss the debt and you must keep those arrangements
  • contact your employer on one occasion to confirm your employment status, business title and the address of the business in preparation for legal proceedings
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    How to Remove Collections from Your Credit Report

    When a debt collector is trying to collect money from you, such as delinquent debt from credit cards, medical bills or auto loans, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is in your corner. The federal law prevents a debt collector from:

    • Contacting you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. unless you let them.
    • Reaching out to you at work if you’re not allowed to be contacted there.
    • Discussing your debt with anyone except you and your spouse, or an attorney representing you. A debt collector can, however, contact other people to obtain your phone number, address or workplace information.
    • Harassing you. This includes hurling profanity at you or constantly bugging you by phone.
    • Lying about details of your debt, such as misinforming you about how much money you owe or falsely claiming you’re going to be arrested.
    • Engaging in unfair practices, such as depositing a post-dated check ahead of time.

    When a debt collector violates the FDCPA, you can take the collector to court. If the court rules in your favor, you may receive monetary damages, repayment of legal fees and more.

    A statute of limitations governs how long negative information about debt in collections stays on your . Under the FDCPA, a negative mark related to uncollected debt can remain on your credit report for seven years from the time the debt first became delinquent.

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