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HomeHow Long Can A Bankruptcy Stay On Your Credit Report

How Long Can A Bankruptcy Stay On Your Credit Report

Build An Emergency Fund

How Long Does Bankruptcy Stay On Credit Report

After a bankruptcy, saving money is the name of the game. You want to build yourself a nice emergency fund of three to six months of expenses to act as a cushion between you and whatever life throws at you. Because youre never going back down the bankruptcy road again, right? And since youre already in the money-saving mindset, you also want to make sure youre saving up for the things you want and paying for them in cash. Yes, this requires a lot of patience, but it also means you wont have to stress about making the payment on that sofa or car each month.

And if youre wondering when youll be able to buy a house after a bankruptcyit usually takes about two years of paying everything on time and having a stable income, as well as saving up a significant down payment, before youre ready to purchase a home. But the good news is, theres a way to get a mortgage without a credit score. Its called manual underwriting, which looks at your income and payment history instead of your FICO score.

Ask The Credit Bureaus How The Bankruptcy Was Verified

If the bankruptcy is verified by the , you will next need to send them a procedural request letter asking them who they verified the bankruptcy with.

In some instances, they will claim it has been verified with the courts, even if it is not. In most cases, the courts do not verify bankruptcies for the credit bureaus.

If the credit bureau claims it was verified with the courts, then proceed to step 4.

How Does Bankruptcy Affect Your Credit Score

A bankruptcy can initially lower your credit score. However, it is not uncommon for people who have filed bankruptcy to start seeing offers for new credit shortly after filing for bankruptcy. Also, bankruptcy can help you get a fresh start financially and decrease the amount of your discretionary income that is used on debt repayment, which can be attractive to creditors.

Bankruptcy is handled by the federal Bankruptcy Court, which makes it a public record that can be listed on your credit reports. How long a bankruptcy stays on your credit report depends on whether you file Chapter 7 personal liquidation bankruptcy or Chapter 13 debt readjustment bankruptcy, as follows:

  • A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will stay on your credit reports for up to 10 years.
  • A Chapter 13 bankruptcy will stay on your credit reports for up to seven years.

As you may know, it takes three to five years to complete a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and less than a year to complete Chapter 7. Yet, the bankruptcy remains on your credit record as part of your financial history for years after the court agrees that you have satisfied your debts.

The good news is that while a bankruptcy remains on your credit report, its impact on your credit rating diminishes over time if you establish a record of paying your bills on time and being creditworthy.

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Building Credit After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Most can rebuild their credit rating and have a better score than ever within 1 – 2 years after they file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. But, you canât take this for granted. To get the full benefit of your bankruptcy filing, youâll have to make an effort to improve your credit score.

Getting new credit after filing bankruptcy â itâs easier than you might think!

One of the biggest surprises for many bankruptcy filers is the amount of car loan and credit card offers they receive – often within a couple of weeks of filing their case. Itâs a lot! Why?

Filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy makes you a low credit risk

The Bankruptcy Code limits how often someone can file a bankruptcy. Once you get a Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge, youâre not able to get another one for 8 years. Banks, credit card issuers, and other lenders know this.

They also know that, with the possible exception of your student loans, you have no unsecured debts and no monthly debt payment obligations. This tells them that you can use all of your disposable income to make monthly payments.

Beware of high interest rates.

Pay close attention to the interest rates in the new credit offers you receive. Credit card companies and car loan lenders have the upper hand here. They know you want to build your credit rating back to an excellent FICO score. And they know that youâll be willing to pay a higher interest rate than someone with perfect credit and no bankruptcy on their record.

Shop around.

How Are Delinquent Accounts Reported On Credit Reports

How Long Does a Bankruptcy Stay on Your Credit Report?

People who file for either type of bankruptcy may have accounts which have been delinquent for several months or even longer. The individual delinquent accounts are deleted seven years from the original delinquency date.

The delinquency date is the date the account first became delinquent. Filing for either kind of bankruptcy does not alter the original delinquency date nor does it extend the time the account remains on the credit report.

In most instances, since the account was delinquent before it was included in the Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, it is likely to be deleted before the bankruptcy public record.

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What You Need To Know About Credit Reports

A credit report reflects a consumers history of establishing credit accounts and taking out loans and repaying the money borrowed. Lenders use credit reports to help them decide whether to loan you money and what interest rates they will charge. Others who may base a decision on your credit reports include insurance companies, landlords, and utility providers, including cable TV, internet, and cell phone service providers.

The three national credit bureaus are Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. There are also regional companies. Most people have more than one credit score.

Almost all credit bureaus use information on your credit report to assign you a three-digit FICO Score, which was . FICO scores estimate how likely you are to repay a loan on time, or what level of risk a creditor undertakes by loaning you money or extending you a line of credit.

FICO scores differ slightly among credit bureaus, but most have a 300-850 score range. The higher the score, the lower the risk to lenders. A good credit score is considered to be in the 670-739 score range. You may get credit or a loan with a fair score , but your interest rate will be higher.

Because a bad FICO score can cost you thousands of dollars over the life of a loan, you should check your credit reports regularly or sign up for alerts to be notified when your score changes, in case there are errors.

Do I Need To Keep In Contact With My Trustee

Normally you dont. In some cases, your trustee continues to manage your bankruptcy, even after it has ended. For example, your trustee has claimed your house as an asset and they havent sold it yet.

Your trustee may still request you to:

  • provide information about your financial situation
  • make any outstanding compulsory payments.

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Are There Different Kinds Of Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can take a few different forms, just as most other legal filings. Chapter 15 bankruptcy is typically used in fillings between more than one country while Chapter 12 is reserved for farmers and fishermen. Chapters 7 and 11 are used for business filings and Chapter 9 is for municipalities like towns or utilities.

Individual people will file either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is referred to as simply Liquidation . Chapter 13 filings are referred to as Adjustment of debts of an individual with regular income . The bankruptcy filing chosen is typically based on available income and total assets. Chapter 7 can be described as quick and easy as the process is generally less complicated and completed within a few months for filing. Chapter 13 seeks to set payment plans and reserve more assets from liquidation but can take 3-5 years to finalize the process.

How these filings affect a credit report, will in part be due to how fast negative collections accounts are resolved and removed from that same report.

How Can You Rebuild Credit After Bankruptcy

How Long Does Bankruptcy Stay On Your Credit Report

Declaring bankruptcy is a major decision, and it can have a big impact on your credit profile. But, its effects wont last forever. To learn more about how you can improve your credit health, one step at a time, check out this blog on how to rebuild your credit history.

Disclaimer: The information posted to this blog was accurate at the time it was initially published. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. The information contained in the TransUnion blog is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. You should consult your own attorney or financial adviser regarding your particular situation. For complete details of any product mentioned, visit This site is governed by the TransUnion Interactive privacy policy located here.

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Ask The Courts How The Bankruptcy Was Verified

Next, you will need to contact the courts that were specified by the credit bureaus.

Ask them how they went about verifying the bankruptcy. If they tell you they didnt verify anything, ask for that statement in writing.

After you receive the letter, mail it to the credit bureaus and demand that they immediately remove the bankruptcy as they knowingly provided false information and therefore are in violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

If all goes well, the bankruptcy will be removed.

Myths About Credit Score After Bankruptcy

Everyone wants to know when considering bankruptcy: How long does bankruptcy affect my credit? What will my credit score be after bankruptcy? Will I ever be able to apply for a credit card again without being credit-shamed? There are a few myths about credit scoring and credit post-bankruptcy filing that we like to debunk to give our clients some peace of mind.

One is that you cant get a loan or credit card after filing for bankruptcy. This simply is not true. While Visa and Mastercard may not be sending you offers with frequent flier miles for a while, many clients successfully apply for secured cards to help them restore their credit faster. These cards require collateral, are available for people with damaged credit, and help build credit like any other card.

Another myth is that bankruptcy will ruin your credit forever. In fact, some imagine a dramatic movie where a character realizes they are bankrupt and yells Im ruined to the heavens. But this is also a myth and not reality. Although bankruptcy will damage your credit in the short term, its impact will absolutely be gone from your credit report after no more than ten years. And there are opportunities to practice good financial habits along the way, such as paying bills on time and avoiding purchases you do not have the income to pay for, which will make your credit stronger than ever.

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You Can Improve Your Credit After Bankruptcy

Dont give up after youve filed for bankruptcyyou can improve your credit score. But be patient, because it could take some time. If you want a little extra help, sign up for our free , or consider ExtraCredit. Restore It, a feature on ExtraCredit, gives you an exclusive discount to one of the leaders in credit repair. They can help you work to get your score where you want it to be after youve filed for bankruptcy.

Checking Credit Report Accuracy After Bankruptcy

How Long Does Bankruptcy Stay on Your Credit Report ...

You’re entitled to get a free credit report from the three major credit reporting agencies each year. You can claim your reports by visiting

Instead of getting them all at once, a prudent approach is to claim one report three months after receiving your bankruptcy discharge. That should allow enough time for creditors to report the bankruptcy information.

Thoroughly review each listed debt for accuracy. Also watch out for unfamiliar creditor names or debts, as they might be discharged debts that were bought and sold to a third party, but are not accurately reflected as having been discharged. To make changes, follow the instructions under the “Correcting Misreported Discharged Debt” heading.

You’ll want to claim each of the remaining two credit reports at three-month intervals. Each time, check to see if the credit report reflects the previously requested changes, and, take steps to correct any remaining inaccurate information. This approach should allow you to clean up your credit report at no cost to you.

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How Long Does A Bankruptcy Stay On My Credit Report

Home » Blog » How Long Does a Bankruptcy Stay on my Credit Report?

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I am often asked how long a bankruptcy or consumer proposal remains on a credit report.

In Canada there are two large credit reporting agencies, or credit bureaus, Equifax and Trans Union, and they each report bankruptcies and proposals differently.

Bankruptcy is a legal process that helps you eliminate debt you cant repay. Thats the positive side of bankruptcy, but I know people are worried about the impact bankruptcy will have on their credit report and their ability to get a loan after bankruptcy. Im Doug Hoyes, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee with Hoyes, Michalos & Associates. Well, lets look at how bankruptcy appears on your credit report.

Bankruptcy will appear in two sections of your credit report the legal or public record section, and the individual account section which is a list of all of your debts. When you file bankruptcy, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy will send information to the credit bureaus who will put a note in the legal section that states you filed a bankruptcy proceeding and the date you filed.

The next update happens when you are discharged. The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy will notify the credit bureaus when your bankruptcy is finished, which is when you get your discharge. This discharge date is added to the legal section in your credit report.




Derogatory Mark: Account Charge

If you dont or cannot pay your debt as agreed, your lender may eventually charge the account off. The charge-off will appear on your credit reports for seven years.

What to do: Try to pay off the debt or negotiate a settlement. While this wont get the charge-off removed from your credit reports, it’ll remove the risk that youll be sued over the debt.

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What Happens When Bankruptcy Is Removed From My Credit Report

Once your bankruptcy has been removed, however, it should be easier for you to obtain credit again and you can also start rebuilding your credit rating sensibly with small amounts and on time repayments.

It is best to wait until your bankruptcy has been completely removed before you start applying for credit again though, to ensure you dont impact your credit rating further.

Can I cancel my bankruptcy?

Yes, you can cancel your bankruptcy. Cancelling your bankruptcy can lift its restrictions and its impact on your credit rating sooner but you can only do this if the following reasons apply:

  • All of your debts and fees for your bankruptcy have been paid in full, by a third party.
  • Youve set up an IVA with your creditors instead.
  • The bankruptcy shouldnt have been set up in the first place.

Before you apply for bankruptcy, its a good idea to consider how long it stays on your credit report and how this will impact you, your family and even your job. There are a number of alternative debt solutions such as an IVA or Debt Management Plan that may be better for you, so its a good idea to explore these first.

Talk to a member of our expert team here at PayPlan today, for free impartial advice that can help you get back on track, point you in the right direction and living life again without worry.

But Ive Never Missed A Payment I Just Have No Hope Of Ever Paying Off My Debt

How Long Does A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Stay On Your Credit Report

If youâre one of the few that has been able to stay current with all debt payments, but need to reorganize your financial situation through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your credit score will go down initially.

But, thatâs not the end of the story. Once your bankruptcy discharge is granted, your debt amount will go down significantly! And guess what helps build and maintain good credit? A low debt-to-income ratio.

Debt-to-income ratio?!

Put differently, the best credit rating is possible only if your total unsecured debt is as low as possible. A bankruptcy discharge eliminates most, if not all of your debt. Itâs the one thing you can do that your current debt management methods canât accomplish.

Doesnât bankruptcy stay on your record for 10 years?

Well, yes, under federal law, the fact that you filed bankruptcy can stay on your credit report for up to 10 years. This is true for all types of bankruptcy. But, Chapter 13 bankruptcy stays on your credit report for only seven years from the filing date.

According to Experian, thatâs because unlike a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Chapter 13 involves a repayment plan that pays off some amount of debt before a bankruptcy discharge is granted.

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What If I Need A Loan Or Credit Card Immediately After Bankruptcy

Luckily, most mortgage companies provide FHA loans for scores of 560-600. Traditional financing options often require a score of 600 or higher.

There are options for buying high-cost necessities after filing bankruptcy claims. Secured credit cards and loans exist for those facing bankruptcy. You can look into credit builder loans or other financing options specially built for people after bankruptcy.


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