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Consolidation Debt Relief Program

Your Behavior With Money Doesnt Change

How Does the Freedom Debt Relief Program Work? | Freedom Debt Relief

Most of the time, after someone consolidates their debt, the debt grows back. Why? Because they dont have a game plan to stick to a budget and spend less than they make. In other words, they havent established good money habits for staying out of debt and building wealth. Their behavior hasnt changed, so why should they expect their debt status to change too?

Debt consolidation doesnt fix any problems. It just shuffles them around.

How Debt Consolidation Loans Affect Your Credit

When you consolidate with a personal loan, you will notice the following changes in your credit report:

  • The credit application will be noted as a hard credit inquiry for two years.
  • The balances on your credit cards will be reduced to zero.
  • The new loan will show up on your credit report.
  • All loan payments will be noted in the payment history for that account.
  • Here is how a debt consolidation loan may affect your credit score:

    • The hard credit inquiry may decrease your score by a few points, but this will diminish over the next six months.
    • The new loan account may decrease your credit age which measures the average age of your accounts.
    • Your credit utilization ratio will be decreased significantly. While loans dont increase your credit limit, your current balances on all the cards you consolidate will drop to zero.
    • Payments made on the loan will improve your payment history.

    What Are Debt Management Programs

    Debt management is an approach that involves working with a credit counseling agency to help plan and execute a repayment plan. Once a credit counselor reviews your finances, they’ll help you develop and stick to a plan for managing all your debt. Credit counselors may also try to reach out to creditors on your behalf to see if they can negotiate lower interest rates on your debt.

    In most cases, debt management plans outline how much you’ll have to pay each month and for how longand your counselor will hold you accountable for sticking to your plan. They may even take over the repayment for you and you’ll pay them each month and authorize them to make payment on your behalf.

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    Best Debt Settlement Companies For Debt Relief In 2022

    * This article does not provide financial advice. Please seek help from a financial advisor if you need financial assistance.

    If you find yourself struggling to pay bills and unable to keep up with debt payments, working with the best debt settlement companies can offer a way out.

    The best debt relief companies work with your creditors or lenders on your behalf to settle your debt for a fraction of what you owe. Whether you have credit card debt, medical bills, IRS debt, or other types of unsecured debts, there are a variety of debt relief programs that can help get your finances on the right track.

    But when it comes to debt settlement companies, not all services are created equal. Its imperative that the debt relief company you choose has a positive reputation, a transparent process, and reasonable fees.

    Weve reviewed the best debt relief companies to help you find a reliable company that is trustworthy and affordable. All of the companies below offer free consultations, a variety of debt settlement programs, and are BBB accredited.

    If youre ready to settle your debt for a fraction of what you owe, here are the top debt settlement companies of 2022.

    Weve Transformed The Lives Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of People

    Requirements For Debt Relief Programs

    Id refer anyone to go with this program if you feel like you are drowning. It has been a financial lifesaver

    When COVID hit I lost my job. NDR was there to help before we even had to try and figure things out.

    I entered NDR in 2017, owing 17 creditors over 26know down to 2 creditors, totaling 2k and anticipate graduating the program by years end.

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    Tip No : Be Wary Of Companies That Charge Upfront Fees

    Almost any relief option you use will have a cost. Even if you get a loan to consolidate debt, you must pay fees to set it up then you pay interest charges on the new loan. So, if you work with a debt relief company, its reasonable to expect that there will be some fees.

    What you want to avoid are any upfront fees that dont come with a money-back guarantee. If a company wants to charge exorbitant fees to set up a program without a guarantee, they can take your money and run.

    A company should either not charge any fees upfront until they perform at least some part of their service OR they should offer a money-back guarantee. If youre supposed to pay upfront and have faith that theyll do what they say, walk away.

    How Debt Consolidation Works

    Debt consolidation is more of a process than a single solution. In fact, there are a range of financial products that allow you to consolidate debt. These include:

    • Balance transfer credit cards
    • 401k loans
    • Life insurance policy loans

    Some of these products are better than others. For instance, in most cases you want to avoid borrowing against your 401 retirement plan or life insurance. Borrowing against your 401 can drain income youll need later in life and could significantly delay your retirement. Your life insurance policy is there to protect your family in case something happens to you.

    Borrowing against home equity can also be risky for homeowners, as it can increase your risk of foreclosure. Its usually not advisable to borrow against your equity solely for the purpose of paying off credit cards and other unsecured debts. You essentially convent unsecured debt to secured.

    However, if youre thinking about borrowing against your equity for other purposes, such as home renovations, you may consider using some of the funds to consolidate debt. If so, always consult with a HUD-certified housing counselor so you can understand the risks and weigh the benefits.

    But for the purpose of this guide, well be focusing on the three most popular and unsecured ways to consolidate debtbalance transfers, consolidation loans, and debt management programs. Here is a detailed explanation of how each of these solutions works:

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    Our site is committed to publishing independent, accurate content guided by strict editorial guidelines. Before articles and reviews are published on our site, they undergo a thorough review process performed by a team of independent editors and subject-matter experts to ensure the contents accuracy, timeliness, and impartiality. Our editorial team is separate and independent of our sites advertisers, and the opinions they express on our site are their own. To read more about our team members and their editorial backgrounds, please visit our sites About page.

    How To Select The Right Program To Trust

    How Does the Freedom Debt Relief Program Work? Watch and Learn | Freedom Debt Relief

    When you are convinced that a debt consolidation program is your best option, select a trustworthy company to work on your behalf. A company that has a current working relationship with creditors and collection agencies will help you get better results. Because of this, a debt relief company that has been in the industry for a long time is a good choice.

    Look into their success stories to see just what they are capable of accomplishing. Try not to get your hopes dependent on these results though. Each situation is unique and what works for another may not be the ideal result in your case.

    Stay away from companies charging upfront fees. The government prohibits this under the debt relief laws specifically the TSR or Telemarketing Sales Rule. You need to be very careful in choosing the right company to deal with because you might end up having to pay for more than what you owe. Know your rights and what to expect from legitimate debt relief companies.

    If you wish to talk to a debt professional, get in touch with National Debt Relief. We are a legitimate debt management company who will work with you to achieve financial freedom. At the very least, we can advise you on the ideal path that you should take depending on your financial capabilities. Give us a call or fill out the short form on this page. We will have someone get in touch with you. The initial consultation is for free and we will never ask for upfront fees.

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    Consolidating With A Consumer Proposal

    If you are unable to get approved for a debt consolidation loan, there are other options. A consumer proposal is one of two legal pathways to obtain debt relief. Less severe than bankruptcy, you can consolidate your unsecured debts into a single monthly payment and repay only a fraction of what you owe.

    Pros: A consumer proposal can reduce the amount of debts you pay and accelerate debt repayment. It is legally binding on all creditors once accepted.

    Cons: Your credit rating will be temporarily affected when you file a consumer proposal.

    Canadian Debt Relief Program: Research The Companys Reputation

    There should be a law that requires all debt relief services companies to be licensed to do debt relief work in Canada. So if they are not licensed they are not allowed to claim they are licensed. Since a debt relief company does not need to have a special license to provide a debt relief solution, it means there are few regulations set in place to control what they can do and what they can charge their customers. A debt relief program is a program set up to help people get out of debt. Debt relief programs always are not designed to help you pay off all your debt.

    Debt relief programs run by debt relief services companies often arent designed to help you find a permanent solution to the behaviour that got you into your debt problems in the first place. The problem with a Canadian debt relief program put together by a debt settlement company is that it may very well cause the loss of your money or as is the case in the true story I am about to tell you, the loss of your home.

    canadian debt relief program

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    What Kinds Of Debt Can You Consolidate

    You can consolidate all sorts of unsecured debt. And an unsecured debt doesnt have an asset attached that the lender can repossess if you fail to keep up payments.

    So unsecured debts include credit card balances, store card balances, personal loans, borrowing from family and friends, and so on. Credit card consolidation is widespread, partly because these tend to carry high rates.

    In theory, you could consolidate some secured debts. You might zero the balance on your home equity line of credit or pay off your car loan. But these typically have low interest rates already. And it wont be worth it unless your debt consolidation loan has a yet lower rate.

    Of course, student debt is unsecured. But consolidating that is a whole different topic. And you should read before tackling that.

    How Much Does Debt Consolidation Cost

    How Does a Debt Relief Program Work?

    If you had $20,000 in unsecured debts , here is what your monthly payments and total loan charges would look like over approximately three years.

    $20,000 of unsecured debt over a period of 3 years

    Debt solution
    $166.67 $6,000

    Compare the cost of different debt consolidation options based on your current debt levels by using our repayment options calculator.

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    What If I Cant Qualify For Debt Consolidation Loans

    If you’re unable to qualify for a debt consolidation loan, you may be able to pursue a or debt settlement instead. A debt management plan allows you to combine your debt payments into one each month while potentially reducing interest rates and eliminating fees. This option might be right for you if you need debt relief and you can commit to an organized plan for paying back what you owe.

    allows you to pay back less than what you borrowed from your creditors. You can try to negotiate settlements with your creditors yourself or work with a debt relief company that will negotiate on your behalf. Debt settlement is usually geared toward people who have fallen behind on debt repayment and want to avoid bankruptcy. Talking over the options with a debt relief company can help you decide whether debt management or debt settlement makes sense for you.

    What Types Of Debt Can Be Consolidated With A Debt Consolidation Program

    A debt consolidation program is a great option for many consumers who struggle to keep up with the cost of being in debt. With that being said, not all types of debt can be included.

    Generally speaking, only unsecured debts can be consolidated such as credit card debt, personal loans, and unsecured lines of credit. However, in some cases, you may be able to add your secured debt.

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    Can I Make A Debt Consolidation Plan Myself

    The short answer is NO, you cant. A debt consolidation plan should be created together by a trusted debt relief organization like us that will do all the work on your behalf, we work with Government approved professionals to lower your debt. Its a legal process that will give you legal protection from your creditors.

    Get our information for free before you go anywhere else! This debt consolidation plan has to be presented to all your creditors which the majority of them have to vote in favor of your proposed debt consolidation offer with the help of a debt consolidation agency in Canada. Once this is approved by your creditors, it becomes a legally binding agreement between you and all your creditors which they must obey.

    How Do Debt Relief Companies Work

    Debt Consolidation vs Debt Settlement: Which Is Better? | Freedom Debt Relief

    Debt settlement companies are for-profit organizations that can help you settle your debt for less than what you owe. These debt settlement firms cater to clients who are so riddled with debt that they cant navigate it independently.

    The debt settlement company will ask you to set aside a certain amount of money in a dedicated savings account each month to build up a lump sum of money that youll use to pay your creditors. Once youve accumulated enough money, the debt relief company will negotiate with creditors on your behalf to get them to accept the amount youve saved even though its lower than the amount of debt you owe.

    When the debt relief program comes to an end, youll be able to move on with your life debt-free.

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    Best Ways To Consolidate Debt

    The best way to consolidate debt typically varies for each individual and their unique financial situation. Here are some of the best options to consider:

    • Debt consolidation loans. Personal loans are among the most common ways to consolidate multiple debts. This method will help you streamline all your debt payments under one loan.
    • Balance transfer credit cards. Highly qualified borrowers can access no-interest financing through balance transfer credit cards typically for one year to more than 18 months. This debt consolidation method is a great way to streamline your payments while avoiding interest through the promotional period. However, unpaid balances at the end of the promotional period will begin to accrue interest.
    • Home equity. If you have enough equity in your home, you can utilize a home equity loan or home equity line of credit to help consolidate your debt. Be careful with this option, though. Because your house secures the loan, the lender can repossess your home if you fail to repay the loan.
    • 401 loans. A 401 loan is a loan you take out from your own 401 account. You typically borrow the greater of $10,000 or 50% of your vested account balance up to $50,000, and you generally have up to five years to repay it.

    Will A Debt Consolidation Loan Affect My Credit Score

    Yes, any new credit that you acquire will have an impact on your credit rating, but it will vary from person to person. In the short-term, it is likely that you will see your credit score dip. This happens when you submit new credit applications and when lenders perform credit inquiries. However, in the long-term, debt consolidation can help your credit score, provided you keep up with your monthly payments and use the loan to pay off debt.

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    Home Equity Line Of Credit

    Some people use a home equity line of credit as a type of debt consolidation. This secured loan allows you to borrow cash against the current value of your home, using the equity youve built up in your home as collateral.

    Equity is the difference between what you owe on the house and its market value. So, with a HELOC, youre basically giving up the portion of your home you actually own and trading it in for more debt so you can pay off your other debts. Thats not how you get ahead. Thats how you stay behind. Longer.

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