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How To Bounce Back From Bankruptcy

Three Quick Ways To Bounce Back From A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

How to Bounce Back from Bankruptcy

Generally, Chapter 7 remains on your credit report for ten years after discharge. During that waiting period, some former debtors have issues obtaining credit at reasonable rates. Other former debtors have the opposite problem. They receive numerous credit offers, especially credit card offers, promptly after discharge. Creditors know that consumers cannot file another Chapter 7 for eight years, in most cases.

Typically, extreme financial circumstances prompted the bankruptcy filing in the first place. So, an experienced bankruptcy attorney can show you some ways to find a middle ground. When conducting their reviews, most moneylenders only care about the previous 90 days of financial activity. So, people who follow these three basic tips often recover from bankruptcy in just a few years.

Remain Current on Monthly Obligations

Most former Chapter 7 have mortgages, car payments, auto insurance payments, and other monthly obligations. In most cases, these creditors report payment information directly to the credit reporting bureaus. So, any delinquency could torpedo all other efforts to rehabilitate your credit history.

Generally, property rent payments do not directly affect credit reports, especially if the landlord is an individual. In these situations, ask your landlord to report on-time payments to credit bureaus. The worst thing the landlord can say is no.

Build a Reserve

Get a Credit Card

Reach Out to Experienced Lawyers


Develop A Positive Payment History

Setting up autopay can help you avoid missed payments and work toward developing a positive payment history. But if you want to take it one step further, consider using a tool like Experian Boost to get better credit scores.

Experian Boost is a free service from Experian, one of the three major credit bureaus, which may help boost your FICO® Score with positive payments on common expenses. This could include utility bills, your Netflix payment, and your phone bill. If you arent able to use credit products to grow your credit, Experian Boost offers a convenient alternative to get positive payment information on your credit report.

Make An Emergency Fund

If you lose your job or face any sort of unexpected financial needs, having an emergency fund can help you avoid a disastrous outcome that lands you back in debt. Youll want to get started on creating this type of savings account as soon as possible, even if you only have a limited amount of money to contribute on a regular basis. The deposits will add up over time and making regular deposits, no matter how small, will help you establish the habit of saving.

Having this money available after filing for bankruptcy is particularly important because you will have limited access to credit, says Tayne.

If youre struggling to create an emergency fund, consider getting a second job or a side gig that can generate an extra stream of income.

Working part-time at an additional job can be challenging, but when you really need to build up savings, it may need to be done, says Fox.

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Make Amends With Your Previous Financial Habits And Vow To Change

What’s done is done you can’t change the past. You are, however, in complete control of the future. Make amends with what went wrong that led to your bankruptcy and put those issues to bed no reason to beat yourself up over it now. Instead, focus on the future and commit to changing those habits that put you in this predicament.

Identify Your Bad Money Habits

How to Bounce Back from a Bankruptcy

If you know what led to your bankruptcy, you know what actions and habits to avoid in the future. This may not apply if you racked up debt from a serious medical condition or something similar that was out of your control. But spending more than you can afford or mismanaging your finances can quickly lead to bankruptcy if the unexpected occurs.

This could include losing your job or getting divorced. An unexpected financial strain may have caught you off guard, but you can prepare better this time around. Include an emergency fund in your financial plans, as well as other solutions for past bad habits.

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Small Business Bankruptcy Options: Chapters 7 11 & 13

Bankruptcy is a process by which you reorganize and, in some cases, wipe out your debts. There are 3 main types: chapter 7, chapter 11, and chapter 13. Under Chapter 7 , youll divide your assets into exempt and non-exempt categories. The exemptions vary by state, so youll need to talk to an attorney about what property may be exempt from bankruptcy in your case. You get to keep the exempt property and the non-exempt property is sold that money is used to pay off your creditors. Whatever debt isnt paid off gets discharged . Any individual or business can use chapter 7.

Under chapter 13, youll work with the court to come up with a payment plan for your debts based on your income. Those plans typically last 5 years and in the end, your remaining unsecured debt is discharged. Only individuals and sole proprietorships can file under chapter 13.

Chapter 11 bankruptcy is exclusively available to businesses other than sole proprietorships and involves restructuring the company and the debt while allowing the business to continue to operate through the process. Chapter 11 can be very time-consuming and expensive, so its not always a good option for small business owners. It may make more sense to file under chapter 7.

State and federal laws limit who can file each kind of bankruptcy, so youll need to work with an attorney to determine which is right for you.

Live On Less To Save More

Now it’s time for some truth telling: If you’ve filed for bankruptcy, you’re broke, and your lifestyle should reflect that. I’m not suggesting you live in a box under a bridge, but you will need to reevaluate your expenses and find ways to reduce your overall cost of living so you can start rebuilding your savings, emergency and retirement funds, and whatever other financial resources you’ve recently depleted. Taking the time to restructure your budget while simultaneously cutting the fat from it is a positive step forward, but there are many other ways to start living on less.

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Make Sure Your Credit File Is Correct

The first step to take coming out of bankruptcy is to pull your free credit report. This is to make sure all the debt that was included in the bankruptcy is noted as such on the report, not hanging out there as an unpaid debt, which could continue to hurt your credit. Credit counselors said its possible that incorrect, negative information exists on your file by error.

Your attorney is going to do their job to file a bankruptcy for you and make sure you dont have a legal obligation your attorney is not going to go through and do a credit update, said Edward Sanchez, president of Chicago-based MoneySharp Credit Counseling. The client has to be able to protect themselves and make sure that the credit report reflects what is true.

If you find any debt that was discharged has not been recorded as such on your credit report, dispute the information with your creditor. Getting errors off your credit report can quickly improve your credit.

How Bankruptcy Can Hurt Your Credit

Episode 37 – Bouncing Back from Bankruptcy with Matt Haycox

But its important to understand that a bankruptcy can stay on your credit report for as long as 10 years. It has the biggest impact on your credit in the first two years after filing for bankruptcy, notes Duguay.

The more time that passes since the bankruptcy was placed as an item on your credit report, the less the impact it has on your credit.

After a bankruptcy, says Melinda Opperman, executive vice president of, get a copy of your credit report to check for errors. You want to make sure the credit accounts on that report say discharged in bankruptcy with a zero balance, Opperman notes.

She also recommends adding a 100-word statement to your credit report, explaining the causes of your financial situation that led to the bankruptcy. It gives a little bit of an explanation, and if someone pulls your credit report, they will see it, Opperman says.

If you are considering applying for a loan after declaring bankruptcy, Duguay recommends trying a community development financial institution . Their mission is to lend in distressed neighborhoods and to lend to people with bad credit or no credit history, Duguay says.

You can find a CFDI at the website of the Opportunity Finance Network, the national association of these institutions.

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And Finally Breathe Again

Remember, the judicious use of any credit car loans, mortgages and so forth can boost your score. But it does have to be judicious use: Don’t take on new credit if you’re in any way unsure that you can handle it. Otherwise, you’ll end up right back where you started.A bankruptcy can be a new beginning a chance to wipe the slate clean and make a stronger, more prosperous future for yourself. Consider it an opportunity to grow from your experiences and make wiser financial choices every day.

Obtain A Secured Credit Card

Now is also the time to start rebuilding your credit, and a secured credit card can be one of the most powerful tools for a fresh start, according to credit reporting agency Experian. First, it’s important you have an emergency fund of three to six months of living expenses saved, prior to committing much needed resources to a secured card. Once you have emergency savings, however, consider obtaining a secured credit card using a down payment to obtain a credit line. Once you’ve made on-time payments on your secured card for about a year, you’ll likely qualify for an unsecured card and see a measurable increase in your credit score.

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Stay On Top Of Your Credit Report

You can obtain a free yearly report at After a bankruptcy, it’s especially critical that your report accurately reflects you’re no longer being held liable for any of the debt that was erased during your bankruptcy. And you’ll want to check your report regularly, to keep track of any questionable changes as well as to keep an eye on your improving credit history.

Increase Your Credit Mix In Stages

Bankruptcy Videos

You should only open new accounts in stages as you slowly rebuild your credit.

There are different factors that make up your credit score. New credit inquiries and credit mix each make up 10%.

So you got your credit card and use it strategically with discipline. Thats great. As you see your score increasing after showing some good credit utilization and good pay history, next up is an installment loan personal loan, car loan or mortgage as you need them which adds to your credit mix. But you should do this over several months or years, not immediately after a bankruptcy, Sanchez said.

Sanchez suggested waiting about a year after opening and responsibly using your credit card, then applying for a . Similar to secured credit cards, those credit builder loans allow you to deposit a small amount of money into a secured savings account, and then you make monthly payments with interest over a set period of time, which typically ranges from six to 24 months At the end of the loans term, you will receive the total amount of the loan in a lump sum.

I recommend getting a loan because what will create the greatest buildup of a score is also having a mix of credit, Sanchez said. While the person is building credit by properly using a credit card, they will need to show the bureaus that they have the ability to manage different types of debt.

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How To Bounce Back From Bankruptcy In 5 Easy Steps

A bankruptcy isnt the end of the world. Heres how to recover from one.

Non-business bankruptcies have, thankfully, declined consistently every year since 2010. Although thats good news overall, they are still a problem — according to the Federal governments web site, nearly 768,000 non-business bankruptcies were filed in 2017.

Personal bankruptcy can be devastating for those who declare it. But many come back from it and go on to make a full recovery. Heres a brief, five-point guide on how to get over a bankruptcy.

How To Bounce Back After Bankruptcy

Earlier this week I wrote about individual bankruptcy filings and why people typically file. Whether folks who are in serious financial difficulty should file bankruptcy is a personal decision and there are many who have a view on this.

But getting unbiased advice on whether your should file for bankruptcy is tricky. Non-profit consumer counseling services typically get their funding from bankcard companies who are most interested in being paid in full. On the other hand, seeking the advice from an attorney who earns their fee from getting you through the process is also a conflict. While both can be good sources of education, individuals should make their own decision and get an opinion from another financial professional who has no conflicting interest in the decision either way.

How bankruptcy affects youChapter 13 bankruptcy filings that are completed and dismissed will remain on an individual’s credit report for seven years. This is similar to the reporting period for “late pays” or delinquent accounts posted on your credit report, which is also 7 years. The more serious Chapter 7 bankruptcy will remain for up to ten years.

Obtain and review a copy of your credit report. Obtain a copy of your report from all three credit reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.

Review all information on the credit reports and correct any discrepancies.

Obtain and review your credit reports annually.

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Review Your Credit Report

Now is the time to ensure that all of your discharged bankruptcy debts have been removed or marked as such from your credit report. You should also look for other inaccuracies on your report, such as accounts that are not yours or reported late payments that are not correct. When you do decide to apply for a line of credit, you can be assured that your credit report is an accurate representation of your credit health. Cleaning up any errors on your credit report can also help your credit score increase faster.

Can I Liquidate A Company With A Bounce Back Loan

Bouncing Back from Bankruptcy with a Good Credit Score

Concerned about whether its possible to liquidate your struggling business, or enter insolvency, with a Bounce Back Loan in place?

Over £21bn was borrowed by UK businesses during 2020 as part of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme. This specialist type of COVID-19 funding was intended to prevent mass insolvencies during one of the toughest times in British economic history.

But what happens if you need to liquidate your company, despite having taken a bounce back loan from HMRC.

In this article, well explain your options.

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Start To Rebuild Your Credit

During bankruptcy its important to start to build up what got torn down. To rebuild your credit you may need to obtain a credit card. Using it wisely will demonstrate to lenders that you can manage your money and are determined to slowly rebuild your flawed credit history.

If you find yourself racking up debt again, you should stop using your card immediately and start a repayment plan. If necessary, use a debit card or prepaid credit card until you can pay off your regular card. Keep in mind that the interest rate on any card for which you are eligible will likely be higher than on the average credit card.

Have The Right Mindset

Just like anything else in life, you need to have the right mindset and attitude to bounce back from bankruptcy. When you hire a seasoned North Carolina bankruptcy lawyer, you will receive help with this. Think of your bankruptcy as a business decision. You can get the maximum benefit from your fresh start when you see it as a learning experience. Be mindful of restoring your credit and showing creditors that you are a good credit risk. Make your payments on time and keep your credit card balances low.

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Adopt This Mantra: This Is Not The End But A New Beginning

Bankruptcy is not only financially devastating, but there are psychological effects to losing nearly everything. You may experience feelings of loss, shame, and anger as a result of filing for bankruptcy, but it’s important to remember that this is only a temporary situation. It’s also helpful if you look at it as a solution. This solution may have been a last-ditch effort and it probably cost you much of what you’ve worked for thus far but it’s a solution nonetheless.

This is not the end. Rather, it’s a new beginning, and you’ll get your life back on track faster if you get yourself in that mindset.

Close An Insolvent Limited Company With A Bounce Back Loan

Bouncing Back After Bankruptcy

As the director of an insolvent company, you need to take decisive action the moment you recognise your companys position.

Failure to put the interests of creditors first in insolvency could place you at risk of wrongful trading or fraudulent trading charges.

If you believe you are insolvent you need to do the following:

  • Take professional advice from a licensed insolvency practitioner like ourselves immediately
  • Dont pay anyone or touch the company bank accounts
  • Record your actions carefully
  • Dont panic or put your head in the sand, simply take clear decisive action and well help you through it as best we can

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