Thursday, July 25, 2024
HomeForeclosurePre Foreclosure Homes Zillow

Pre Foreclosure Homes Zillow

Loan Modification In Pre

The Truth about Zillow Pre-Foreclosure Homes

A loan modification is a popular means to save your house when youre struggling to pay your monthly mortgage. You can request that your lender extend the length of your loan, so youre responsible for paying less each month. Lenders may also opt to lower the interest rate or allow you to tack your missed payments onto the end of your loan.

If it looks like a modification can be arranged, its in a lenders financial best interest to work with homeowners to keep them in their home. Then the bank doesnt have to go through the hassle of completing the foreclosure process, evicting the homeowners, and likely having to sell the home to get back its investment. If a loan modification deal is reached, then pre-foreclosure ends, and the homeowners go back to making regular payments on their loan.

Realtytrac Sends The Data On Pre

Everyone has heard about all the foreclosures over the previous years, and everyone imagines a good deal from a foreclosure.

But the problem is, most of these homes are not for sale. Nor will they ever be for sale. The data Zillow collects on these homes comes from a company known as Realty Trac.

Realty Trac specializes in providing data centered around foreclosure homes. If you are looking for a pre-foreclosure list, Realty Trac is one of the real estate sites to visit.

Whenever a homeowner misses a payment on their mortgage and the lender sends a notice to the owner, Zillow takes this public record and lists the home in pre-foreclosure status on their site from the data provided to them by Realty Trac.

They go so far as to add an image from Google street view and some identifying details about the property.

The homeowner doesnt even have the option to avoid this. Once the notice is sent, the home goes up on Zillow.

Of course, if the homeowner gets caught up on the mortgage, the home wont go into foreclosure. Even if the house goes into foreclosure, it can take over a year to be available for sale.

Either way, the listings under pre-foreclosure found on Zillow are not helpful for the average home buyer. These Zillow pre-foreclosure listings are misleading and tend to create frustrating situations.

The buyer sees a great deal on Zillow and gets their hopes up, only to be dashed by the real estate agent that explains what is happening.

Prospecting Letters For Preforeclosure Listings

In the digital communication world, there are endless ways to contact investment leads and homeowners in foreclosure. Writing letters can seem like a boring, tedious, or old-fashioned way to make contact, but it can actually be a particularly effective strategy for foreclosures. Since the recipients are not in their situation by choice, they should be approached with sensitivity and compassion, which is very difficult to do through online ads or messages.

Sample preforeclosure letter

Letters, on the other hand, can be personalized and handwritten in order to make the biggest impact. Write your prospecting letter from a template, but include personalized details about their neighborhood, local hot spots, or their interests if you are familiar with them. Keep the focus on communicating how you can benefit the owners as much as possible.

Read more information about how to create and distribute real estate prospecting letters, and download a free preforeclosure template from our article: 9 Real Estate Prospecting Letter Templates for Lead Outreach.

To further simplify the process, consider using a direct mail service like ProspectsPLUS! for the execution of your prospecting letters, like designing, printing, and even mailing. ProspectsPLUS! offers multiple resources and strategies for distributing your letters and direct mail, including EDDM and the Market Dominator direct mail strategy. Start looking through ProspectsPLUS! templates and mailing options for free.

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Search Public Records Yourself

To find a pre-foreclosure yourself, a popular first step is to head to the county recorders office. You will look for a notice of sale or notice of default. The document will typically include the contact information of the property owner.

If you have difficulty locating the property owner, see how to find out who owns a house for more guidance. Finding pre-market inventory this way obviously takes some work on your part.

When looking at this kind of potential foreclosure house, always make sure to perform a title search. You can have a real estate attorney or title company do this for you.

Additional Ways To Find Pre

On the market: Pre

A big part of how you make your money as a real estate investor is your ability to bring in leads. So its vital to get creative and develop your own unique strategy for finding pre-foreclosures and other potential properties. An additional way you can locate pre-foreclosure properties is to network with other real estate professionals in your area.

Aside from wholesalers, real estate agents, attorneys, and mortgage brokers can be a good resource for finding homes in the process of pre-foreclosure. Even just mentioning your real estate business to friends and colleagues in your personal network can be a good way to hear about preforeclosure properties before they are listed online.

Plus, local newspapers are another good resource you can use to locate properties in the process of pre-foreclosure. Lis Pendens or notice of foreclosure are often published in the legal section of the local newspaper. The best way to find the best deal possible is to develop a few different lead pipelines and keep your eyes and ears open for any opportunities that come your way.

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How To Interpret A Pre Foreclosure Listing

As you can tell from the overview of the foreclosure process above, homes that are in pre foreclosure are not actually for sale. There are many steps and actions that can be taken by the homeowner of a pre foreclosure property to remove it from the foreclosure process entirely. Meaning that it potentially never will be for sale.

A listing that is labeled as pre foreclosure often confuses buyers. You are not able to tour the home, contact an agent that is representing the home, or make an offer on the home at all. When buyers dont fully understand what pre foreclosure means they can get their heart set on a home they will most likely never be able to even tour.

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Another Bonus Tip: Look For Opportunities In Areas Where The Population Is Growing Rapidly

As mentioned above, one way to find pre-foreclosures is by searching Zillow looking at the newest listings on the market.

However, another way you can go about finding pre-foreclosures is by focusing your attention on more favorable areas that are witnessing growth and new construction at a fast rate.

For example, if there is a town or city which has grown 20% over the past ten years it can mean more people moving in who need housing which increases demand for homes in this area.

This puts upward pressure on prices but it also means that some homeowners who purchased more recently may be looking to sell quickly.

Now that you know how to find pre-foreclosures on Zillow its time to start putting this new knowledge into action.

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Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure

When a loan modification isnt an option, pre-foreclosure can also involve a deed in lieu of foreclosure, Richardson says. That means homeowners who are behind on their mortgage hand over their houses deed to the bank to settle their debt and walk away.

A lender has to agree to the option, and whether or not a bank will agree to it depends on a number of variables, including the current housing market. In a rising market, Richardson says, banks have time on their side and the possibility of selling your home for more than theyd get from your paying off your mortgage anyway.

If a lender agrees to a deed in lieu of foreclosure, pre-foreclosure ends. The process doesnt reach official foreclosure.

Additional Tips To Buying Pre

Zillow Pre-Foreclosure Homes
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1. Search for properties on Zillow .

2. Contact the seller to get more information about the property, including asking how much they are willing to sell it for.

3. Ask questions to find out if there are any liens or other restrictions

that could affect you later down the line, and whether its worth investing any time before moving forward

4. Make an offer using the free tool at

This might feel like a low-ball offer so you can see if they will take less than their average price in the area

dont worry about insulting them

you will get a yes or no.

5. If youre lucky enough to have your offer accepted,

lock the deal with a simple purchase contract.

6. Sell the equitable rights to purchase the property to cash buyers and investors in the area.

7. Download my 2 books for free at

and you will get a free seat to my next masterclass where we cover this step by step.

Tell me in the comment area any questions you may still have about finding pre-foreclosure on zillow. Next time if you want, we may discuss some more on that.

Dont forget to download your 2 free books

Smart Real Estate Wholesaling and

Real Estate Money Secrets at:

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What Are The Homeowners Options Regarding Pre

Since the homeowner is having difficulty making mortgage payments, the property is also typically distressed since the owner does not have money to maintain the property. When a homeowner falls behind, they have a few options

  • Let the foreclosure process play out, which could take YEARS. Unfortunately, many are embarrassed and will bury their head in the sand which clearly is not a wise decision.
  • The owner may initiate a process called a short sale in which the lender agrees to accept less than what is owed on the property. The lender is essentially agreeing to a haircut, which was very popular in 2008-2013 after the mortgage crisis. Even if a property has an LP on it, the owner may be working in conjunction with the lender to restructure the loan or get approval for a short-sale.
  • The seller may do whats called a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure where the owner conveys title back to the lender at no cost and walk-away. This saves the lender the lengthy and expensive foreclosure process and can be less of a hit on the owners credit status for future purchases.
  • Tip #: Consider Using An Agent Who Specializes In Pre

    There are a number of different ways that you can go about finding pre-foreclosures.

    One of the best ways to find foreclosures near you is by using Zillow,

    but its important to be careful and use this site sparingly so that you dont get caught up looking at properties that arent even for sale yet.

    Another option is to contact an agent who specializes in pre-foreclosures.

    This can be a more costly option but it may end up saving you time in the long run.

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    S To Buying A Boulder Foreclosure Home

    A home owner needs to fall into arrears making the mortgage payment. This has to last at least three months. At that point, the trustee can place the home for sale an auction actually.

    It is not listed in the Boulder MLS, but rather is set for auction by the county. Anyone can bid on the home, but the winning bid must pay in cash the day of the auction. There are no mortgages involved.

    In practice, banks usually outbid others to get the property, but if you are willing to outbid the bank, you could win the auction. But this is far different than the original premise that you saw a steal online and want to get rich quick buying and selling a foreclosed home.

    Can I Buy A Pre

    Zillow lifts the veil on pre

    So then youre probably still wonderingcan I buy a home listed as pre-foreclosure. Sure, theoretically you could, but there are challenges you are likely to face:

    First, getting in touch with the home owner. As I said before, they are typically already embarrassed and do not want to talk to anyone. Or in many cases, they may have already vacated the property and are nowhere to be found.

    Second, since the properties are usually in a fair amount of distress, you would need cash to purchase it. Since most buyers typically use conventional, FHA or VA financing, they would not be eligible to purchase the home due to standards set forth by the lenders. Once the appraiser viewed the house, they would outline items that must be fixed in order for them to provide a loan, and of course the seller does not have the money to do these repairs. With FHA and VA financing, the standards tend to be very strict!

    Third, depending on the amount owed on the property, the home is likely worth less than what is owed to the bank or lien holder. Meaning, even if the owner was willing and able to entertain your offer, they would not have the money to pay the difference on what would still be owed to the bank in order to payoff the lien. Of course, the buyer could pay this but then youd be paying over fair-market-value for a property that likely needs work.

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    How To Make Money With Pre

    Foreclosures are properties that have been in default on their home mortgage. They tend to attract buyers who are in need of a cheaper property or who anticipate the market rising again.

    You can make money with pre-foreclosure homes by buying them at a discount and selling them for a profit when they are no longer in foreclosure.

    if you choose to do this, be sure you account for the cost of maintaining the property during this time.

    You can also rent it out until it sells or until you decide to sell it yourself.

    Normal Number Of Boulder Foreclosure Sales

    Searching Boulder Zillow there are dozens of red dots and accompanying write ups on pre foreclosure sales. Compare this with a Boulder MLS search of actual foreclosures in the county. Today out of 1,062 Active homes for sale, there is one foreclosure sale.

    You read that right, just one place, bank owned, for sale.

    But what about all the red dots on Zillow? Most of these are not in foreclosure and unlikely to ever come to the market.

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    Is Now A Good Time To Buy A Foreclosed Home

    The moratorium on foreclosures due to the COVID-19 pandemic ended on July 31, 2021. Investors predicted a wave of foreclosures when the moratorium ended but so far there is no evidence that has occurred.

    People looking to buy foreclosures in today’s market should expect to find a limited supply and competition on most deals.

    Zillow Pre Foreclosures Are Not For Sale

    Buying Pre-Foreclosures on Zillow – Real Estate Tips

    Listen, Zillow pre-foreclosures are not for sale, at least not on the open market. All that that means is that the current homeowner has been served with what’s called a notice of default notifying them of the bank’s intentions to begin foreclosure proceedings, usually because of late payments, and it’s just the beginning of a process that can literally take years. And the current homeowner still has the opportunity to make it right by catching up on their payments. So do yourself a favor and save yourself some headache and some heartache, and when you see Zillow pre-foreclosures, just ignore them.

    My name is Jason Patton. I’m the listing specialist and broker associate with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, the Julie Hall Group. We buy and sell houses in Kosciusko and all the surrounding counties. We specialize in Warsaw, Indiana waterfront homes for sale, nd I might be a little bit biased, but I like to think we’re the best at what we do.

    Please give us a call at 800-218-8195 or email us at [email protected]. Thanks, and we hope to hear from you soon.

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    Where Can I Find Pre

    To find possible pre-foreclosures in your area, enter your search area on Zillow, then click Listing Type and choose Pre-Foreclosure under the Potential Listings heading. Pre-foreclosure information is free after you register with a free account.

    Be aware that a home listed under the pre-foreclosure category is a home that is not necessarily for sale. But, since the homeowner is in default on his loan, he may welcome an opportunity to find a qualified buyer who can help him avoid possible foreclosure. Also, the home could be scheduled for foreclosure auction under this category.

    Veterans Administration Loan Program

    The federal Veterans Administration has a mortgage guarantee program that is open to current service members, veterans, and surviving spouses. According to, the loans can be used to buy repossessed properties, although a bit of advance preparation is needed.

    Benefits include zero down-payment loans, reduced closing costs, and a waiver of the mortgage insurance requirement.

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    Why I Wrote This Post

    I keep having a similar conversation with friends and clients. People just like you tell me they want to get a Boulder Zillow pre foreclosure and then I have to explain it doesnt exist. No more than flying unicorns. And Im the bad guy for delivering this terrible news.

    I dont think I can stop a giant company from misleading information. But I hope I can shed some light for home buyers seeking a good value. A good value is not getting your hopes crushed by a ridiculous marketing ploy, but really understanding the housing market to start.

    Give me a shout to start your home search! ~ Bob


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