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Why Did The Nra File Bankruptcy

Wayne Lapierres Unsteady Leadership

NRA Fights To Declare Bankruptcy As NY AG Lawsuit Threatens To Dissolve Organization | Rachel Maddow

The NRAs bankruptcy trial prominently highlighted the failed leadership of Wayne LaPierre. A particularly powerful part of the trial involved testimony from several current and former NRA board members who spoke about the organizations dysfunction and mismanagement. They painted a picture of a board incapable of exercising meaningful oversight over management, in part due to LaPierres stranglehold over the organization and a lack of transparency from his team. Examples include the following:

  • Owen Buz Mills, who served on the NRA board from 2009 until August 2021, called LaPierres management a trainwreck during his testimony.3 Mills testified to the dysfunction of the NRA board and stated his belief that the NRAs current problems were our fault because he board had failed to provide adequate supervision and direction.4 When asked whether he believed the NRA had self corrected, Mills testified, I believe that the management is corrupted and I believe the board is corrupted. I dont see anything salvaging anything there thats salvageable.5
  • Ackerman McQueen executive and longtime Wayne LaPierre confidant Tony Makris testified that LaPierre had described his personal management style as management by chaos, wherein LaPierre intentionally kept senior leaders at odds with each other, then he would maintain control.6
  • More NRA Board Members Resign.

    What Will Happen To The Nra In Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

    The NRA has 120 days after their bankruptcy filing to propose a plan to address debts. The plan must allow for payment of creditors in relation to income and the organizations ability to make payments. Any repayment plan must be in the best interests of the creditors. If the bankruptcy filer fails to file a reorganization plan, a creditor may submit their own plan.

    Disclosures are required as part of the resolution to the bankruptcy. The organization that files must list its assets and its creditors. This process is to ensure that the filing is fair and that decisions are made based on the full range of facts. A Chapter 11 reorganization does not require complete liquidation of assets.

    How Long Will The Nra Bankruptcy Take

    Because the NRA bankruptcy is a Chapter 11 filing, it may take a significant amount of time to resolve. A Chapter 11 filing can take as long as two years to resolve. Chapter 11 filings are particularly complicated because they involve repayment of debts while continuing to operate. Filers can expect significant scrutiny regarding their assets and the ability to repay debts.

    Related: Timeline of Bankruptcy Filing Requirements in Las Vegas

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    Why Does The Nra Want To Reincorporate In Texas

    Heres Why The NRA Filed A Long Shot Bankruptcy Bid With ...

    In seeking reincorporation, the NRA would be changing its legal home and changing which states laws will govern it. Reincorporation would not require the NRA to relocate its main offices, which are in Fairfax, Virginia.

    Texas is seen as a pro-gun and debtor-friendly state, and observers believe that it may offer the NRA more protection against claims from its creditors. That is, the NRA may hope that a federal bankruptcy court located in Texas will be more likely to rule in its favor regarding amounts owed to creditors than a New York or Virginia court.

    However, the NRA faces significant challenges with both its bankruptcy case and the attempt to reincorporate. The Texas court may throw out the bankruptcy petition or move the bankruptcy case to another location with more substantial ties, such as a court in Virginia or New York.

    Another hurdle for the NRA to clear is demonstrating whether the Chapter 11 reorganization it wants to undergo is necessary. If not, the bankruptcy judge could determine this move is a ploy to try to evade New Yorks power to potentially take control of the NRAs assets. The NRA maintains that it filed for bankruptcy in good faith.

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    Nra In The News Summary

    I hope you enjoyed the NRA in the news Brandon Blog post. A bad faith insolvency filing is luckily rare in Canada. However, something like the NRA filing could happen. Canadian courts have the ability to either annul or set aside a filing by a non-insolvent debtor filed for a fraudulent purpose or to misuse the Canadian insolvency system.

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    nra in the news

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    What Is The Nra

    The NRA is a non-profit organisation that was formed by two civil war veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate in 1871 in order to promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis, the NRA website mentions. It is the largest and most influential pro-gun organisation in the US and is considered by critics as an enabler of gun violence in the country.

    According to the associations magazine American Rifleman, the state is home to more than 400,000 NRA members and is also the site of NRAs 150th annual meeting. In a statement, NRAs Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said, The plan aims to streamline costs and expenses, proceed with pending litigation in a coordinated and structured manner, and realize many financial and strategic advantages.

    We are leaving the state of an attorney general who, just a few months ago, vowed to put us out of business through an abuse of legal and regulatory power, he added.

    Should Federal Courts Be Involved

    NRA Goes Bankrupt But Don’t Get Too Excited Yet

    There are certainly cases where federal bankruptcy courts have helped resolve state court litigation as a mechanism for providing the debtor a second chance at life.

    But if theres no financial reason for bankruptcy, Americas federalist system would typically prevent a federal court from intervening in a state legal dispute, Jacoby says.

    We have this bankruptcy power from the Constitution, she says. It is not supposed to override all state laws. Unless theres some financial distress, its inappropriate for a federal court to step in on a matter that doesnt really fall within the purview of that power.

    Jacoby says its important to note that her objections to the NRA bankruptcy are not related to the groups Second Amendment mission.

    They have nothing to do with the right to bear arms, she says. It all has to do with whether theyre in financial distress.

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    What Is Involuntary Bankruptcy In Long Island

    What is a forced bankruptcy in Long Island? If most people are involved in bankruptcy, it is because they have made the decision to start a business. However, in certain circumstances, creditors can initiate forced bankruptcy of the debtor. Involuntary bankruptcy can happen to individuals as well as businesses, although the debtor has the option to challenge the involuntary bankruptcy filing if he does not wish to participate in the bankruptcy.

    Us: National Rifle Association Loses Bankruptcy Bid

    A Texas court has rejected the NRAâs bankruptcy case, calling it an attempt to avoid prosecution on fraud charges. The ruling judge said the NRA filing was made to gain âunfair advantageâ in litigation.

    The US firearms lobbying group, the National Rifle Association , lost its bid to declare bankruptcy on Tuesday, hampering an attempt to avoid a lawsuit in New York.

    Federal Judge Harlin Hale issued his decision from Dallas, Texas, saying that the gun rights group had not filed for Chapter 11 protection in good faith, but rather to avoid oversight by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

    A successful bankruptcy declaration would have given the NRA an âunfair litigation advantage,â the judge said.

    The group filed for bankruptcy in January after the state of New York brought financial fraud and misconduct charges back in August.

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    Yachts Private Planes And More For Ceo Wayne Lapierre

    While there has been a trickle of information about extravagant spending at the NRA in past years to the benefit of CEO Wayne LaPierrefrom the contemplated purchase of a Dallas mansion to hundreds of thousands of dollars of expensive designer suitscourtroom battles over the past year publicly spilled new and damning details.

    From the onset of the bankruptcy trial, LaPierres private jet travel took center stage. One of the major revelations was the disclosure of several spreadsheets allegedly detailing millions of dollars in private travel by NRA executives.20 The flights spanned from 2015 through 2019 and represented some of the most detailed disclosure of private travel by NRA executives to date. The entries included cost, dates, locations, and in some cases, passengers. These flights included several trips to Palm Springs, Las Vegas, and the Bahamas. LaPierre admitted to charging the NRA for private jet travel, including flights for private vacations and trips to pick up his niece in Nebraska.21After public scrutiny about his use of private jets, LaPierre paid the NRA back nearly $300,000 in flight costsa fraction of the apparent total spent on private flightsas an excess benefit transaction.22 In total, the New York attorney general has alleged that the NRA paid over $10 million for LaPierres private charter flights during his time at the NRA.23

    Nra In The News: Why Did The Nra File For Bankruptcy

    NRA fights to declare bankruptcy as NY AG lawsuit ...

    The National Rifle Association is Americas gun advocacy organization being the gun rights champion of Second Amendment rights. This independent organization promotes the right to bear arms. Last January 15 it filed for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy declaration did not expose that it was in a financial mess. The NRA, which is known for its aggressive efforts to lobby against gun control laws, filed not because of its financial condition, but for a different reason.

    In my January 20, 2021 blog titled: NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION FILES FOR BANKRUPTCY ANNOUNCES PLAN TO MOVE TO TEXAS FOR FREEDOM, I described why it made its voluntary petition bankruptcy filing under Chapter 11 of the United States Federal Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas in Dallas.

    In that Brandon Blog, I described why New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit looking to dissolve the National Rifle Association, the largest most significant pro-gun organization in the USA. Attorney General James claims the organization with financial misconduct and unlawful conduct including financial abuses, spending millions of dollars on things like personal expenses, personal trips and other questionable expenditures. The purpose of the NRA bankruptcy filing was to dissolve itself in New York State while evading prosecution. It then planned to reincorporate in the State of Texas.

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    Litigations Bankruptcy And Investigations

    Legal proceedings and lawyers continue to dominate the NRAs day-to-day existence, with the NRA reportedly having spent $22 million on legal fees in the first five months of this year alone.44 Over the past year, the NRA has seemingly found itself in the news more for the legal drama that surrounds it, rather than its purported nonprofit purpose of Second Amendment advocacy.

    Most notably, the NRA continues to face existential threats from regulatory lawsuits brought by the attorneys general of New York and the District of Columbia for alleged violations of charities laws.

    As referenced previously, the NRA took the desperate step of filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in January 2021. The NRA seemingly availed itself of the bankruptcy process to halt legal proceedings against it by state attorneys general, former vendors, and donors. NRA leaders openly admitted this, including board member Bob Barr, who said the bankruptcy has nothing to do with the NRAs financial position. . . . It simply is a legal vehicle to move under protection of federal laws, to escape the abuse by the New York authorities.51 The New York and DC attorneys general both objected to the bankruptcy filing, resulting in a twelve-day trial in a Texas bankruptcy court.

    The NRAs legal problems continue to drain the associations coffers, with the New York Attorney Generals Office indicating that the NRA has paid the Brewer firm nearly $75 million in legal fees from March 2018 to December 2020.

    Broken & Bankrupt: The Nra In 2021

    National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre and the rest of the NRA leadership are on borrowed time after a year of lawsuits, investigations, and personal embarrassments stemming from allegations of gross mismanagement of the organization. While the power and influence they have built will take years to dissipate fully, the bottom line is clear: the past year has been a disaster for the NRA, and LaPierre in particular.

    NRA leaders were forced to reveal in bankruptcy proceedings the depths of their mismanagement and incompetence, spent millions just to lose control of both the White House and Congress, and found themselves at odds with the public at every turn as they pushed an extremist agenda.1

    In the courtroom, it would be difficult for the NRA to find itself on worse footing. It is facing litigation not only from former vendors but also the New York and District of Columbia attorneys general for the extravagant spending that has come to define CEO Wayne LaPierres tenure. In the face of these threats, the NRA made what might be its most desperate move yet: a Hail Mary bankruptcy filing in Texas in search of a proverbial get-out-of-jail-free card.

    Put plainly, the NRA couldnt even file bankruptcy correctly.

    It didnt work. In its Chapter 11 filing, the NRA spent millions on legal fees only to get

    Put plainly, the NRA couldnt even file bankruptcy correctly.

    Jump to:

    Also Check: How Many Times Has Trump Filed For Bankrupcy

    Nra Election Failures Underscore Its Waning Influence

    If you look at what has happened to the NRAs public image and their public communications in the last three years, its a graduate level course in what not to do in communication. That organization in 2016 was at its pinnacle, and perhaps the most powerful political organization in the United States at the time. And in three years, it has disappeared from the scene, not mentioned, not heard of, and you just got a textbook example of what a national election looks like without the NRA involved.

    Tony Makris, Longtime NRA Advisor and Supporter128

    Due in large part to scandal, legal bills, and extremism, the NRAs declining influence in the policy and electoral sphere was on full display in the past year. At the ballot box, the NRA lost the three races in which it invested the most organizational resources: the White House and the two US Senate races in Georgia.

    The contrast between 2016 and 2020 could not be more stark. In 2016, the NRA was the largest independent group supporting Donald Trumps candidacy, spending a reported $31.2 million on the presidential race.129 In 2020, the amount the NRA spent supporting Trump dropped some 47 percent, to $16.6 million.130 Overall, the NRAs spending on all federal elections dropped from $54.4 million in 2016 to $29.1 million in 2020.131

    *** *** ***

    New York Attorney General Seeks to Dissolve NRA, Associated Press, August 6, 2020 .

    Trial testimony of Owen Mills In RE: NRA Bankruptcy Trial, April 20, 2021, 21:4.

    Id. at 22:18-23.

    Does Remington Still Make Firearms


    Remington sold part of his business during bankruptcy in 2020, with the result that Remington’s brand and assets will now be owned by several companies, including Ruger, Vista, Roundhill Group, Sierra Bullets, JJE Capital Holdings and Franklin Armory. These buyers will continue to make Remington weapons.

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    Nra In The News Update: My Canadian View Of The Deceptive Nra Bankruptcy Case Dismissal

    We hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and secure during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc. is absolutely operational and Ira, in addition to Brandon Smith, is readily available for a telephone consultation or video meeting.


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