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How To Get A Mortgage After Bankruptcy And Foreclosure

Usda Loan After Foreclosure

Getting A Mortgage After Bankruptcy, Foreclosure Or Short Sale – What Is The Wait?

The USDA guidelines state that you must wait at least 3 years after your foreclosure before you will be eligible for a USDA loan. You will also have to show improvements to your credit since the foreclosure took place.

Below are some additional requirements to get a USDA loan:

  • 640 or higher credit score .
  • No down payment required.
  • The maximum DTI ratio allowed is 41%.
  • A property must be located in a rural area in order to be eligible.
  • USDA loans require you to pay a guarantee fee, which acts similarly to mortgage insurance.

Buying A House After Bankruptcy And Foreclosure And Qualifying For Home Loan After Bankruptcy

There are mandatory waiting period to qualify for a mortgage loan after bankruptcy.

  • FHA Loans, VA Loans, and USDA Loans require a mandatory waiting period after Chapter 7 Bankruptcy of two years from the discharged date of the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
  • Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two mortgage giants who sets mortgage lending standards for Conventional Loans, require a four year mandatory waiting period for borrowers
  • Waiting period is 4 year to qualify for a Conventional Loan after a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy discharged date
  • There are no waiting period to qualify for a FHA Loan, VA Loan, USDA Loan after a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy discharged date
  • However, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac does require a two year mandatory waiting period after a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy discharged date to qualify for a Conventional Loan

There is a four year waiting period after Chapter 13 dismissal date.

Waiting Period For Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy waiting periods are generally shorter. For instance, after a Chapter 13 discharge, as long as youve made 12 qualifying on-time payments, youll only need to wait a day to refinance a government-backed loan.

The waiting periods to refinance after a Chapter 13 discharge are:

  • FHA, VA, and USDA loans: 1 day with 12 qualifying on-time payments
  • Conventional loans: 2 years
  • Jumbo loans: 7 years

With conventional loans, if you dont complete the terms of your repayment plan, the court can dismiss your bankruptcy, and youll have to wait four years after that date to refinance your mortgage.


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Bankruptcy With A Mortgage

If you are a homeowner currently paying an existing mortgage and youre forced to file for bankruptcy, youll want to know what happens to that mortgage. If you file for Chapter 13, you wont have to worry about your home mortgage. It will not affect your mortgage or your payments in any way and you can continue making payments as usual.

If you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy while paying a mortgage and your home is exempt, you can continue making your mortgage payments. Your bankruptcy will discharge personal liability for the home loan at the end of your case however, the security interest of the lender will remain. This means that the lender will be able to foreclose if you dont make your payments. Its worth noting that if your house has a significant amount of nonexempt equity, then the trustee appointed to your case can sell it.

What Happens When It Is Time To Renew Your Mortgage

Getting A Mortgage After Bankruptcy, Foreclosure Or Short ...

Now that you have continued to pay on your mortgage, what happens when it is time to renew? Will you have to change banks? Can I get a mortgage loan after bankruptcy? Most banks would prefer to have you sign the mortgage renewal and continue paying off both the principal amount and the interest, for say the next 25 years, than to foreclose on it now, and risk losing all the future profits plus an additional amount of money by selling your house at a discounted foreclosure price. Be sure to confirm with your lender, but in most cases, you should be able to make a mortgage renewal after bankruptcy provided that the mortgage payments are up to date.

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How Does The Foreclosure Process Work

The home mortgage foreclosure process is determined by state law. There may also be special procedures and rules at the county or city level. But these local laws typically only come into play during the foreclosure sale. The terms outlined in the mortgage loan can also control what happens during foreclosure and when. That said, most foreclosures still consist of the following stages.

  • The homeowner misses a mortgage payment. In response, the mortgage company sends a letter to the borrower or calls them to let them know they missed a payment and to tell them to make the payment as soon as possible.

  • The homeowner misses a second monthly payment. At this point, the lender will send a letter or call to explain that youâre in default or about to go into default. The letter will also warn you of the consequences of not getting current with your mortgage. Even with a second missed payment, foreclosure still hasnât started. Thatâs because, under federal law, a foreclosure action canât begin until at least 120 days have passed without a mortgage payment. To avoid foreclosure at this point, ask your lender about your loss mitigation options.

  • The lender will inform you that youâre delinquent on your mortgage loan and are in default. Theyâll then give you a deadline to become current on your mortgage to avoid foreclosure. Most homeowners will have at least 30 days to do this but could have as many as 90.

  • Qualifying For Mortgage After Bankruptcy And Foreclosure

    There are two types of Bankruptcies consumers file.

    • A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is also commonly known as total liquidation bankruptcies
    • Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is where consumers with little or no assets choose and have either no income or limited disposable income to be able to pay their creditors
    • Consumers filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy does not have to liquidate all of their assets
    • The Bankruptcy Courts will let you keep your home, car, and personal assets under a certain value
    • However, if you have a lot of assets and equity on investment properties or other assets of value, those assets will get liquidated by Bankruptcy Trustee in order to pay off your creditors

    Consumers who have assets and income and want to protect those assets and need time to restructure their debts over the course of five years, a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is the route to go.

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    Loan Modification With Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    Chapter 13 allows homeowners to force the bank to accept a 5-year payment plan for the past due amount. The homeowner wont have to pay the full mortgage in 5 years, only the amount that is past due. You dont need to apply for a loan modification, you can force the bank into the 5-year payment plan. See bankruptcy law 1322.

    Additionally, you can apply for a traditional loan modification as part of the Chapter 13 case. These modification applications are usually much different than when a homeowner applies. In Chapter 13 mortgage modifications, the U.S. Trustee is there to oversee the bank. Additionally, there can be a mediator appointed as well to help streamline the process. With much more oversight the bank is less likely to cause unnecessary delays and wrongfully deny modification requests.

    How To Avoid A Foreclosure Judgment

    Getting Mortgage After Foreclosure Or Bankruptcy

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    In a Nutshell

    If you canât get current with your mortgage loan, you can expect your lender to begin the foreclosure process. This often involves filing a foreclosure lawsuit and asking a court to issue a foreclosure judgment.

    Written byAttorney Curtis Lee.

    If you stop making mortgage payments, you can expect your lender to take action. It might start with warning letters letting you know that youâve missed a payment and youâre about to default. If you canât get current with your mortgage loan, you can expect your lender to begin the foreclosure process. This often involves filing a foreclosure lawsuit and asking a court to issue a foreclosure judgment.

    If your lender gets this judgment, theyâll sell your property to someone else and use the proceeds to cover the mortgage balance you still owe. This article will explain the foreclosure process. Itâll also cover what you can do as a homeowner to prevent your mortgage loan servicer from getting a foreclosure judgment against you.

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    Getting New Credit After Bankruptcy

    Itâs actually a lot easier than most people think to get after filing a bankruptcy. Itâs not unusual for people to receive credit card offers shortly after filing bankruptcy. It makes sense when you stop and think about it – one of the factors that goes into determining how credit-worthy you are is how much other debt you are currently carrying.

    Once you receive a Chapter 7 discharge, all of the old unsecured debt is gone and so you have increased your ability to pay off any new debts. You do, of course, want to be mindful of your financial situation and make sure your monthly income is sufficient before taking on any new debt. And not all creditors will be quite as quick to offer a loan, especially if itâs for a significant amount like a home purchase.

    Mortgage Waiting Periods After Bankruptcy

    The length of the mortgage waiting periods depend on the type of bankruptcy you filed. In addition, the waiting period depends on the type of loan you want to take out.

    Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

    If you have filed a Chapter 7 or 11 Bankruptcy, the mortgage waiting periods begin after the discharge date:

    • Fannie Mae loan 4 years from discharge date
    • FHA loan 2 years from discharge date
    • VA loan 2 years from discharge date
    • USDA loan 3 years from discharge date

    Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    On the other hand, if you have filed a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, the mortgage waiting periods are shorter:

    • Fannie Mae loan 2 years from discharge date, and also 4 years from the dismissal date.
    • FHA loan 1 year from the payout period. However, you also need court permission, and proof of satisfactory bankruptcy payment and performance.
    • VA loan 1 year from the payout period. Also, court permission, and proof of satisfactory bankruptcy payment and performance.
    • USDA loan 1 year of the payout must elapse and payment performance must be satisfactory. In addition, you need court permission to borrow again.

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    How To Stop A Mortgage Deficiency

    For some homeowners, bankruptcy is the best solution to stop a mortgage deficiency. Under Bankruptcy law, a discharge will void a judgment, to the extent that it is a determination of the personal liability of the debtor. If a debt is discharged in bankruptcy the borrower, will be released from personal liability on the debt. The discharge is a permanent court order releasing the borrower from the responsibility of having to pay the debt. Further, the discharge prohibits a creditor from taking any collection action against the borrower. Therefore, the discharge will prevent and stop a mortgage deficiency in Florida.

    Bankruptcy law 11 U.S.C. 524 precludes creditors from trying to hold the debtor personally liable for a discharged debt. For instance, threatening to garnish wages or sue the debtor can be a violation of debt collection laws. A willful violation of the ban on collection activity can lead to sanctions being imposed on the creditor. These sanctions can include an injunction, monetary sanctions, reimbursement of funds paid by the debtor, and even punitive damages. Additionally, the creditor may be responsible for reimbursing a debtor for the money spent on an attorney to stop the collection action. See bankruptcy case In Re All Media Properties.

    What Is A Foreclosure Judgment

    1 Day Out of Short Sale, Bankruptcy, &  Foreclosure ...

    A foreclosure judgment is issued by a court. It formally grants the lender permission to foreclose on a property. A court will issue a foreclosure judgment after the lender wins its foreclosure lawsuit against the borrower. This gives the lender the right to sell the foreclosed property to collect the debt owed on the mortgage loan.

    A foreclosure judgment will list all parties that have a lien on the property, as well as the total amounts owed. This includes stating the outstanding mortgage debt and the lender. Itâll also identify unpaid utility bills, tax liens, and other costs associated with the foreclosure. This can include legal fees and interest that may be accruing on any unpaid balances.

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    What Happens To A Second Mortgage During Bankruptcy

    In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, your second mortgage probably wont be discharged, which means youre still responsible for repaying it, and the lender can foreclose on your home to get paid.

    A Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows for lien stripping, which removes junior liens on your home. Since your first mortgage takes priority, you may be able to have the debt from your second mortgage discharged once you complete your repayment plan and have the second mortgage lien removed. This could be especially helpful if your home is underwater.

    Youll Probably Need A Secured Credit Card

    Once the bankruptcy is discharged, youll need to get a credit card to start re-establishing your credit. I hate to advise someone who has just been through a foreclosure and bankruptcy to go out and get a credit card, but credit cards are almost essential to building a good credit rating. So you have two options: get a credit card or learn to live without credit. If you cant control your spending with a credit card in your possession, you might want to seriously consider the second option.

    Assuming you chose to apply for a credit card, youll probably find that youll need to get a secured card. You are unlikely to qualify for anything else at this point. A secured credit card requires a deposit that is usually equal to the amount of credit you will have. For example, if you want a $500 secured credit card, you need to put up a $500 deposit. The credit card company keeps that $500 for the entire time you have the account open or until it is converted to an unsecured account.

    That means you are paying the credit card company a ridiculous amount of interest plus an annual fee to borrow your own money. Youll probably have to pay an application fee too. Why would anyone want to do that? Because every month that you pay your bill on time, it will be noted as a positive on your credit report, and you need that if you ever want to buy another house with a conventional mortgage.

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    Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Reaffirmation Agreement

    Homeowners who go through bankruptcy may want to try and keep their homes through a process known as “reaffirmation.”

    A reaffirmation of debt after Chapter 7 bankruptcy means you will continue to be legally responsible for your mortgage payment. Talk with an attorney about reaffirmation and its implications for your financial situation before making a final decision.

    With a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, homeowners who do not reaffirm will see their legal and financial responsibility for the mortgage end with the discharge. But there’s still a lien on the property, and it can take months or years for lenders to foreclose. Some prospective borrowers can continue living in the home after the bankruptcy discharge.

    In cases like these, some lenders may require a Verification of Rent to verify borrowers have continued to make timely mortgage payments. Guidelines and policies on this can vary by lender.

    Buying A Home After Bankruptcy

    Three Ways to get a Mortgage after Foreclosure or Bankruptcy

    If youve declared bankruptcy in the past, know that youre not alone. Further, know that your situation is nothing to be ashamed of. No one wants to declare bankruptcy sometimes, it may be the only solution to a difficult situation. If youre now thinking of buying a home after bankruptcy, you may be wondering how it would work.

    I see lots of clients after their bankruptcy has been discharged or their consumer proposal has been completed. Theyll often tell me they dropped in at their bank branch or another mortgage broker, but they have either been turned down or found that their calls for information dont get returned. This may give the mistaken impression that there is nothing to be done. Dont be discouraged! You can and will put this behind you. You just need the right planning and commitment.

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    Qualifying For A Mortgage After Bankruptcy And Foreclosure With No Waiting Period Requirements

    Many Americans are still under the belief filing bankruptcy will be the kiss of death when it comes to qualifying for a home loan.

    • Other Americans think they can no longer get credit after bankruptcy
    • This is not true
    • Bankruptcy is a federal law where it helps Americans drowning in debt get a fresh financial start in life
    • Bankruptcy has no negative impact on loan level pricing adjustments on mortgage rates
    • Many who file bankruptcy can get a 700 credit score is less than one year after bankruptcy discharged date
    • The team at Gustan Cho Associates are experts in helping homebuyers qualify for a mortgage after bankruptcy
    • There is no waiting period requirements on qualifying for a mortgage after bankruptcy with non-QM loans
    • Last year, more than 789,222 consumers filed personal bankruptcy
    • Every one of the people who filed bankruptcy will be able to qualify for a mortgage
    • As soon as the bankruptcy is filed, consumer credit scores will drop anywhere between 100 to 200 points
    • Bankruptcy does devastate your credit score, usually causing it to fall by 200 or more points
    • However, this sudden drop is temporary
    • The team at Gustan Cho Associates have helped countless borrowers get their credit scores to over 700 FICO in just one year after bankruptcy discharged date
    • As the bankruptcy ages, it will have less of an impact on credit scores

    Chapter 13 Bankruptcy remain on credit reports for 7 years. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy remains on credit report for 10 years.


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