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Small Business Liquidation Services

How Much Does It Cost To Liquidate

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Most liquidations can be paid for out of either the assets sold by the liquidator, or directors redundancy payments.

Liquidations vary considerably in cost as the insolvency practitioner usually charges on a time basis which means the larger and complex the company the more hours will be spent.

Generally speaking the liquidation of a small business would be around £4000 to £6000 + VAT.

What Happens When A Company Goes Into Liquidation

When a company goes into liquidation, it ceases to trade, staff will be made redundant, and the company itself will cease to exist as a legal entity.

As a director, your powers will cease, and youll no longer be able to access business bank accounts.

For solvent companies, liquidation is a tax efficient choice for businesses with assets to dispose and no debts.

If youre insolvent , a licensed insolvency practitioner will organise the liquidation of corporate assets, and the proceeds are then distributed to the companys creditors

Finally, the company will be struck off the register at Companies House. The company has been liquidated and will no longer exist.

How To Dissolve A Small Business

There are a number of different reasons to end and dissolve a small business in New Jersey. Dissolving a partnership, lack of income or even retirement are all reasons to dissolve a small business. Each of these requires a level of knowhow in the necessary steps to take to successfully end and liquidate your small business.

The decision to dissolve a small business is not always an easy one so this can be a very stressful and emotional time for most. Knowing the proper steps to take and arming yourself with useful information before making the final decision to dissolve a small business will make the process seem less intimidating and complicated. There are several things a small business owner should know about how to dissolve a small business.

Each different states rules and regulations differ. Outlined here is a breakdown of general information on how to dissolve a small business.

  • In the event that the decision is made to dissolve a small business the decision first needs to be approved by anyone who has a shared interest in the business. This means that the owner and any partners, investors or shareholders associated with the business must all be in agreement that dissolving the small business is the proper course of action.

  • Any creditors the business has must be notified that the business is closing. A course of action also needs to be arranged with each creditor to settle any outstanding claims.

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How To Close A Company When There Are No Assets Or Funds For A Liquidation

However, in some cases there might not be enough, or indeed any, assets to sell, or any redundancy money to claim, therefore there will be no money to pay for an Insolvency Practitioner, if this is the case then liquidation is not possible and you have a couple of choices which will achieve the same outcome.

Criteria For The Small Business Liquidation Process

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  • The process is only available for a company in a creditors voluntary liquidation
  • The winding-up process must not have begun before 01 January 2021
  • The companys liabilities must not be greater than $1 million.
  • The company does not expect to be able to repay all debts, in full, within 1 year
  • The directors must provide the liquidator:
  • A report on company activities and property
  • A declaration stating they believe the company is eligible for the small business liquidation process

    This must be done within 5 days of the decision to begin voluntary liquidation.

  • None of the companys directors has been a director of any other company subject to the small business liquidation process, or restructuring, within the last 7 years.
  • The company has not been subject to the small business liquidation process, or restructuring, within the last 7 years.
  • The company has provided all documentation, such as statements, notices and applications as required by the Income Tax Assessment Act of 1997
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    Top 10 Wholesale Liquidation Companies In The Usa

    Wholesale liquidators have been playing an essential role in compensating the losses of companies going out of business. The main purpose of these wholesale companies is to buy overstocks, shelf pulls, customer returns, and salvage merchandise from the retail stores and liquidate the inventory at lower rates. They are a great resource for small-large businesses, flea marketers, and local retailers to purchase branded goods at huge discounts.

    If you have a small business, you must definitely look into these companies as they offer quality products at wholesale prices without the need for a resale certificate. It is an extremely convenient method of purchasing inventory that will bring in higher profits from the resale. However, finding the right liquidation company is difficult. It requires a lot of research to find the most trusted and genuine wholesale Liquidation Company.

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    Therefore, we have curated a list of the best wholesale liquidation companies in the United States where you will find amazing quality products at the most comfortable price, along with shipping arrangements.

    If Your Company Does Have Debts

    If the company does have debts, including Bounce Back Loans, but no assets then there is another route that can be used.

    This process clears any debts and allows for the company to be closed, this is called Administrative Dissolution. It has the same effect as a liquidation but usually costs far less.

    The Administrative Dissolution process is based on the benefits of using Sections 1003 to 1008 of the Companies Act 2006 which are available to limited companies.

    If you follow this route you should ensure that all creditors are informed and the financial position explained to them. You should also invite the creditors to petition for the winding up of a company.

    You will also need to make sure that you inform all shareholders, directors, employees and trustees of any pension fund.

    The benefit of Administrative Dissolution is that you have addressed your statutory duties of informing your creditors of the financial position and, as you have also reported the matter to the Registrar of Companies, you cant later be personally fined by the Registrar for any later failure to deliver accounts and annual returns.

    The main downside is that the process has to be carried out correctly with paperwork etc. being filed on time and in the correct order.

    Also, it is especially important to be careful about your actions and accounts when you realise your company is trading whilst insolvent.

    Find out if your company qualifies using our online dissolution test

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    When Must A Liquidator Cease To Follow The Simplified Liquidation Process

    The liquidator must cease to follow the simplified liquidation process if:

    • the eligibility criteria for the simplified liquidation process are no longer met
    • the liquidator believes on reasonable grounds that the company, or a director of the company, has engaged in conduct involving fraud or dishonesty and that conduct has had, or is likely to have, a material adverse effect on the interests of creditors as a whole or a class of creditors as a whole.

    What Happens To A Company When It Goes Into Liquidation

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    The process is as follows.

    Having recognised either the possibility or the fact of insolvency, you shoud make contact with an insolvency practitioner .

    Once formally appointed the insolvency practitioners will advertise the liquidation in the Gazette and alert creditors as to the situation.

    Formal meetings take place where the IP can communicate with the creditors and answer any relevant questions.

    Directors powers cease, all employees become redundant, and the IP proceeds with assessing what money exists to pay back creditors.

    Once everyone has been paid, the company is struck off the register at Companies House and formally ceases to exist.

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    Can I Liquidate My Own Company

    While this is a commonly asked question, the simple answer is no. The law requires that liquidation be carried out by a licensed insolvency practitioner.If you are concerned that you wont be able to afford the costs of liquidation, do give us a call to discuss your situation and we can try to explain the best deal available to you for a cost-effective insolvency. Liquidations are usually paid for, in any case, from the realisation of assets rather than the directors own finances. There are also options to pay for it via statutory directorial redundancy payments.

    How Long Does It Take For A Company To Liquidate

    It usually takes up to two weeks to appoint a liquidator, after which point the directors powers cease. Actually realising the assets of the company, however, is a more protracted process and varies hugely depending on the size and complexity of the company situation. On average it takes between 6 and 24 months to complete a liquidation.

    Which Should You Choose?

    If you want to liquidate your company and the company is solvent, you will need to use a Members Voluntary Liquidation.

    If company is insolvent and liquidation is unavoidable, a Creditors Voluntary Liquidation is the preferable route as directors have more control over the process and it does not involve the courts. Read more about the advantages of a Creditors Voluntary Liquidation over a Compulsory Liquidation here.

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    Can I Start A New Company After Liquidation

    There is no law preventing directors whose companies have been liquidated from serving as a director again. The only restrictions concern the starting up of a new company with either the same or a similar name to the previous one. Section 216 of the Insolvency Act contains laws against this which we cover here.

    Voluntary And Forced Liquidation Sales

    Company liquidation

    A business can decide to liquidate voluntarily, such as when the owner retires, or its creditors may pursue legal action to put the business into forced liquidation . Voluntary liquidation usually involves an orderly business liquidation sale, which provides a reasonable amount of time to sell your inventory and equipment, a large pool of buyers, and sales to the highest bidders.

    In a forced liquidation sale, such as a sale under bankruptcy or an end-of-lease moving sale, the business is under pressure to sell. The sales time frame is smaller than in an orderly sale, and so is the buyer pool. A forced sale may take place at an auction on a set date when everything is sold. Expect lower sales prices in a forced liquidation than if for the same items in an orderly liquidation sale.

    If you need to liquidate, hiring an auctioneer or auction house to conduct your liquidation sale may be a smart move. Auctioneers are in the liquidation business , so you have expert advice, advertising, and help throughout your liquidation process. Seasoned auctioneers are skilled at getting bidders to compete against each other even in forced liquidation sales, which helps raise sales prices.

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    Can My Company Continue To Trade Whilst In Liquidation

    Directors should cease trading as soon as the decision to liquidate the company has been made. If they were found to be trading insolvent, the directors can be found guilty of wrongful trading and become personally liable for some of the companys debts. They could also be banned from acting as a director of a company for up to 15 years.

    The primary objective of a liquidation is to close down the business and cease trading completely. In most cases, companies will not be given the opportunity to continue trading once the liquidation process has commenced and they are officially in liquidation.

    Can A Liquidator Adopt The Simplified Liquidation Process For A Creditors Voluntary Winding Up

    The liquidator in the creditors voluntary winding up may adopt the simplified liquidation process if:

    • they believe on reasonable grounds the eligibility criteria are met
    • not more than 20 business days have passed since a liquidator was first appointed in the creditors voluntary winding up
    • the liquidator has given each member and creditor, at least 10 business days before adopting the simplified liquidation process, written notice of:
    • a statement that they believe on reasonable grounds the eligibility criteria for the simplified liquidation process will be met
    • an outline of the simplified liquidation process
    • a statement they will not adopt the simplified liquidation process if at least 25% in value of creditors direct the creditor in writing not to adopt the simplified liquidation process
    • prescribed information, if any, on how the creditor may give the direction in writing not to adopt the simplified liquidation process.

    The liquidator must not adopt the simplified liquidation process if, before the liquidator adopts the simplified liquidation process, more than 25% in value of creditors provide a written statement to the liquidator requesting the liquidator not to follow the simplified liquidation process.

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    Identify Assets To Liquidate

    Before you begin selling your assets for a profit, you first need to identify and organize what assets you can actually sell. Business liquidation is not like a garage sale you cant just sell off whatever you want. In a business liquidation, you are able to sell physical property that you own, as well a monetary property such as security deposits, prepaid insurance premiums, and more. Other items you can sell include:

    • Business equipment such as phones, cash registers, computers, etc.

    After inventorying your assets, you will need to assess their value and determine what kind of sale will work best for your situation. Luckily, at Grasons, we can help with all of that. Our team of professionals can help you determine the value of your assets, decide what type of sale is best, and manage that sale from start to finish. Give us a call to learn more and get started.

    How Many Types Of Company Liquidation Are There

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    There are two types of liquidation, such as:

  • Compulsory Liquidation: As the name implies, this type of liquidation is forced one, generally initiated by a creditor or creditors who is looking into winding up a company via a court order. In real world, this is normally the last resort opted by the tired and disgruntled creditors after numerous failed attempts to get their money back and it becomes highly imperative of you to act on the situation else it will end up in forceful liquidation of your company.
  • Voluntary Liquidation: There are two primary types of Voluntary Liquidation:
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    Proposals To Creditors Without A Meeting

    Instead of convening a creditors meeting, the liquidator can put proposals to creditors by giving notice in writing. A liquidator who has adopted the simplified liquidation process will use this process to seek resolutions from creditors, including for approval of remuneration.

    This notice must be given to each creditor entitled to receive notice of a meeting and:

    • include a statement of the reasons for the proposal and the likely impact the proposal will have on creditors
    • invite the creditor to either:
    • vote yes or no for the proposal
    • object to the proposal without a meeting
  • specify a reasonable time for the liquidator to receive creditor replies.
  • To vote on the proposal, you must lodge details of your debt or claim with the liquidator and complete the provided voting documents.

    You can vote yes or no on the proposal and/or object to the proposal without a creditors meeting. You should return your response to the liquidator within the time specified in the notice, which must be at least 15 business days after notice is given to creditors.

    A resolution is passed if the majority of creditors in number and value who responded to the notice voted yes and if 25% or less in value of the creditors who responded objected to the proposal being resolved without a creditors meeting.

    The liquidator should provide enough information to allow creditors to make an informed decision about the proposal. Contact the liquidator if you need further information to help you decide.

    What Are The Grounds For Winding Up A Company

    A creditor has the right to issue a winding-up petition to the courts if it is owed an amount of more than £750 and the company cannot pay.

    It must have previously served a Statutory Demand on the company, and no agreement or payment been made in response to the demand.

    The creditor will have to pay the court fees and a deposit , so it is not usually a decision that is taken lightly by creditors.

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    What Is The Small Business Liquidation Process

    The Small Business Liquidation Process was introduced to help ease some of the pressures faced by smaller businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic and consequent lockdowns.

    The Small Business Liquidation Process is aimed at making the liquidation and winding-up process more efficient and less complex.

    What Does Liquidation Mean For Employees

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    Insolvent liquidation will mean the end of the company, and hence all employees will lose their jobs. Employees do have a right to claim money owed to them via the insolvency practitioner overseeing the case, although whether this can be paid will depend on how much money is raised by the realisation of assets.

    Should the company coffers be empty, and with no assets to liquidate, the government offers redundancy payments, wage arrears, holiday pay, and unpaid pension contributions up to certain statutory limits.

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    Legal And Reporting Obligations

    • Fulfil all CSSF requirements with the objective to meet the regulatory closing deadline of nine months
    • Semi-annual reporting by the regulator on the status of the liquidation
    • Ensure that all statutory and regulatory termination requirements are met
    • Manage the auditor requests
    • Inform shareholders of significant events on an ad hoc basis


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